Sunday, February 3, 2013

Superbowl 47

We tried to keep up our tradition of watching the Superbowl (or at least some of it) with the Gillams.  Keith fried fish and had nuggets for the kids.  We picked up fried pickles, drinks, and cookies.  The food was yummy:)  Kick-off was at 6:30 so our plan was to get the kids started on a movie so we could watch the first half before heading home.  It was successful thanks to Jenni.  She set them up in the corner and popped some popcorn for them.  When half-time started, we dressed our kids in their jammies and then headed out.  It's 8:55 and our kids are down, but the super-bowl is paused because the lights just went out in the super dome!  Anyways, we're sad that this marks the end of football season:(  At least until September....

kids watching The Lorax