W said he wanted to play baseball this season instead of soccer. We felt like it was a great thing he was showing some independence from A so we signed him up for T-Ball at the YMCA. His team didn't have a coach so B volunteered to be the coach but had great support from the other dads (and moms). The team consisted of nine 4-5 year old boys and one 4 year old girl. We had 2 sets of siblings on the team which made for 8 different families. Our practices were Monday nights at 6:30 and games were either on Friday nights at 6 or Saturday mornings at 9, or sometimes both. We ended up having a great season, even though it started off rocky. The boys didn't know how to hit or which way to run and so after a lot of practice, by the end of the season, they could all hit pretty well and knew how to run the bases. There was so much improvement throughout the 8 week season, all parents were very satisfied.
April 2, first tball game |
playing catcher |
10 little stud players |
May 20th, Wes's last game |
During the inning, every player got to bat, and outs were never kept. The last batter just hit and ran all the way around the bases home and hitting was EVERYBODY'S favorite part of the game. W really enjoyed it and I think it's fair to say he was one of the best on the team. I know I'm his mommy and I'm biased, but even the other parents from other teams noticed that he was enthusiastic and had a good focus on the game. His favorite position was pitcher because basically every ball was fielded by the pitcher. He also played first base well and catcher. It didn't really matter where B put him on the field, he paid attention and ran after the ball. I look forward to more baseball in our future!