Friday, October 27, 2017

First Day of School 2017

Our first day of school was supposed to be August 28th, but it was cancelled due to Hurricane Harvey.  The kids started school on September 11th instead.  It was nice having a few extra weeks of summer, but we were ready for some structure in our life :)  The first day of school ended with the Saints playing on Monday Night Football so we ate Nachos and watched our Saints. 

Rin started 4th grade.  Her teachers are Mrs. Besch and Mrs. Aleman.

Abe started 2nd grade.  His teacher is Ms. Salazar and she's expecting a baby in February.  His best bud is in his class again!

Wes is in 1st grade and his teachers are Mrs. Seid and Mrs. Barnett.  He's excited to have Mrs. B since that was Abe's Kinder teacher.

Ell is starting pre-school 4's.  Her teacher is Mrs. D'Agnolo and she was so excited.  No tears from that girl!