Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pumpkin Carvings

B is really creative.  He's got that artsy side to him like drawing and painting.  We got 4 pumpkins when we went to the pumpkin patch with AJE and after lots of discussion, we finally decided on what he would carve in the pumpkins.

The first pumpkin was the adult pumpkin and we compromised on a Saints design.  I love it!

Who Dat!

The second one was A's pick and at first he wanted Iron Man.  B looked up designs, but couldn't find one that he liked.  A's second choice was Spiderman so that's what B did for him.  I think it looks really cool!

Rin's pumpkin was interesting.  She wanted Aladin's lamp and we just thought that was too weird.  B found a good picture of Snow White so R accepted his suggestion.  This one is my personal favorite of the 4.

Snow White and an apple
Our 4th pumpkin turned into our family announcement pumpkin.  B used some trickery :)
BK (Bryce & Katie)

RAW? (Rin Abe Wes ?)

Yes, that's right.  Due May 2013 with our fourth little Hantla.  We're very excited of course.  We've known since the end of September but have kept in on the DL for a while.  I had a few people ask me since they knew this was our season of trying to have a baby due at the end of school.  We will find out the sex in about another 5 weeks.  I'm currently 13 weeks along and feeling good.  I had some sick evenings and lots of tired days over the past 7 weeks, but I'm finally coming out of that stage.  When I lay flat, my belly pouches out in my lower abdomen now and it's firming up.  Yep, the Hantla Clan is expanding!

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