We try to eat well balanced meals and so far, our kids have been really good about veggies. We drink milk everyday to develop strong bones and teeth. Of course our kids like sweets! How could they not being from B and myself:)
This week at dinner, R and A wanted to show off their muscles. They are pretty cute.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Spring Haircuts
B has gotten really good at shaving A's head. We usually do it towards the beginning of spring and then several times over the summer and then one last time in October. A has very thick hair like B, so we like for him to have it long during the winter. This year we decided that it was time for W to get a buzz also. W's hair was down in his eyes and A had a rat tail growing in the back.
On Wednesday March 20th, B cut both the boys hair. A did great like normal and surprisingly, W did fine too. We let W watch a little of A's cut so he could see that it didn't hurt. W's hair is still thin so it has this soft fluffy feel to it. They both look good and W looks more like A now.
On Wednesday March 20th, B cut both the boys hair. A did great like normal and surprisingly, W did fine too. We let W watch a little of A's cut so he could see that it didn't hurt. W's hair is still thin so it has this soft fluffy feel to it. They both look good and W looks more like A now.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The Cozy Coupe
For Christmas, J/K gave W a Cozy Coupe because he always gets in Bree's when we are over at their house. Bree has a cute pink one and they got W a traditional red one. B hasn't put it together since we still have daycare here and we did not want it be out for daycare. We finally decided we needed to put it together since the box was huge and taking up a large amount of space in our bedroom. We will just put it away during daycare and take it out in the afternoons, like what we do with Abe's remote control car, Rin's Rapunzel doll, and a few other toys.
B put the Coupe together during nap time yesterday but we didn't get it out until today after naptime due to other things so today after naps, we got it out for W. He was so excited! B took a video and sent it to J/K so they could see his excitement. I think he sat in it for the first 20 minutes and wouldn't even share it with A or R.
B put the Coupe together during nap time yesterday but we didn't get it out until today after naptime due to other things so today after naps, we got it out for W. He was so excited! B took a video and sent it to J/K so they could see his excitement. I think he sat in it for the first 20 minutes and wouldn't even share it with A or R.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Single Mom weekend
I doubt I'll have any pictures to accompany this post, but I really wanted to just document how hard it is to be a single parent. It's rough!
B was in TX for a conference. He left Saturday (2/16/13) morning at 10 am and returned Tuesday (2/19/13) night at 8:30 pm. Less than 4 entire days right? I got this....
So Saturday it snowed and it wasn't a pretty fun snow. It was a wet and yucky snow. With R having a cough and W a runny nose, we did not go out on Saturday to play in the snow. We stayed inside all day except for dinner at Chick-fil-A. Jenni was kind enough to meet me there so the kids could play in the area to get some energy out. It was much needed and we were there for almost 2 hours. The home for baths and bed.
The 9:15 church service was cancelled due to the snow/ice so we had a relaxing Sunday morning and did not have to rush off to church. I noticed R's eye was a little pink and my thought was 'she probably has pink eye'. So now we couldn't go to church. Besides going to Walmart for groceries for the week, we were stuck inside all day on Sunday. It was still wet and yucky from the snow on Saturday, but now it seemed as if R had pink eye. When giving the kids a bath Sunday night, I noticed some pink in A's eye as well. I knew what was coming!
I texted Sheree that I felt my kids were starting to get pink eye and I would have to take Monday off from work. I really dislike taking days off because getting ready for a sub is harder than just going to school yourself. I try not to miss if at all possible. But I called in and did not go to work. I also called the doctor and got an appointment for 9am Monday morning. Since both R and A had some pink tint, I took them both and ask MP to watch W. She agreed and it was only for 2 hours. While at the doctor, we found out that R did not have pink eye, but had an ear infection from her cold. A did have pink eye. They both needed medicine so I had to go back to Walmart to get their prescriptions. It was a long morning but we were back home for lunch. When nap time came around, I was exhausted so I took a nap on the sofa. After naps it was playtime inside the house because of 1. pink eye and 2. R's cold. We did puzzles, colored, and other inside activities until it was time for me to fix dinner. The rest of the evening was fine and I gave baths and put the kids to bed. MP agreed that since A had been on his eye drops for most of the day, she would watch the kids on Tuesday so I could go back to work.
It was nice to get back to work on Tuesday. I love my kids but after 3 days together and inside the house without B, I was ready for a break. My throat was a little soar and I just figured I was getting run down from the weekend. Tuesdays are always hectic because that's our gymnastic day but nevertheless, I headed home at 3:15 to pick the kids up. We went to gymnastics for A's 3:30 time and then R's class is at 4:30. I had to pull A out once and spank him for not obeying Mr. Sam (his teacher). When the other little boy is there, A is silly with him and acts up. This is unacceptable for us so we take action. I hope Mr. Sam doesn't mind. By the time 5:00 rolled around and R was still in class, W had had enough. I finally just had to go sit in the van with A and W since we were making too much noise inside the gym. And the Kurio wasn't charged either! That was mistake #1. The 3 of us just sat in Cherry until R was done and then I went back inside to get her. We made it home and I cooked dinner and then got the kids ready for bed. Instead of going to bed, we headed to the airport to pick up B. We were very excited and the kids each made a 'Welcome Home' card for him. I'm sure I was the most excited for him to come back just to have the help.
Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
B was in TX for a conference. He left Saturday (2/16/13) morning at 10 am and returned Tuesday (2/19/13) night at 8:30 pm. Less than 4 entire days right? I got this....
So Saturday it snowed and it wasn't a pretty fun snow. It was a wet and yucky snow. With R having a cough and W a runny nose, we did not go out on Saturday to play in the snow. We stayed inside all day except for dinner at Chick-fil-A. Jenni was kind enough to meet me there so the kids could play in the area to get some energy out. It was much needed and we were there for almost 2 hours. The home for baths and bed.
The 9:15 church service was cancelled due to the snow/ice so we had a relaxing Sunday morning and did not have to rush off to church. I noticed R's eye was a little pink and my thought was 'she probably has pink eye'. So now we couldn't go to church. Besides going to Walmart for groceries for the week, we were stuck inside all day on Sunday. It was still wet and yucky from the snow on Saturday, but now it seemed as if R had pink eye. When giving the kids a bath Sunday night, I noticed some pink in A's eye as well. I knew what was coming!
I texted Sheree that I felt my kids were starting to get pink eye and I would have to take Monday off from work. I really dislike taking days off because getting ready for a sub is harder than just going to school yourself. I try not to miss if at all possible. But I called in and did not go to work. I also called the doctor and got an appointment for 9am Monday morning. Since both R and A had some pink tint, I took them both and ask MP to watch W. She agreed and it was only for 2 hours. While at the doctor, we found out that R did not have pink eye, but had an ear infection from her cold. A did have pink eye. They both needed medicine so I had to go back to Walmart to get their prescriptions. It was a long morning but we were back home for lunch. When nap time came around, I was exhausted so I took a nap on the sofa. After naps it was playtime inside the house because of 1. pink eye and 2. R's cold. We did puzzles, colored, and other inside activities until it was time for me to fix dinner. The rest of the evening was fine and I gave baths and put the kids to bed. MP agreed that since A had been on his eye drops for most of the day, she would watch the kids on Tuesday so I could go back to work.
It was nice to get back to work on Tuesday. I love my kids but after 3 days together and inside the house without B, I was ready for a break. My throat was a little soar and I just figured I was getting run down from the weekend. Tuesdays are always hectic because that's our gymnastic day but nevertheless, I headed home at 3:15 to pick the kids up. We went to gymnastics for A's 3:30 time and then R's class is at 4:30. I had to pull A out once and spank him for not obeying Mr. Sam (his teacher). When the other little boy is there, A is silly with him and acts up. This is unacceptable for us so we take action. I hope Mr. Sam doesn't mind. By the time 5:00 rolled around and R was still in class, W had had enough. I finally just had to go sit in the van with A and W since we were making too much noise inside the gym. And the Kurio wasn't charged either! That was mistake #1. The 3 of us just sat in Cherry until R was done and then I went back inside to get her. We made it home and I cooked dinner and then got the kids ready for bed. Instead of going to bed, we headed to the airport to pick up B. We were very excited and the kids each made a 'Welcome Home' card for him. I'm sure I was the most excited for him to come back just to have the help.
Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Changing Rooms!
Last Saturday (2/22/13) we took a day trip to Charlotte to visit IKEA. I had researched bunk-beds and knew the ones I wanted were from IKEA and affordable. I convinced B at the last minute to head there for these beds. I also looked around furniture stores here and Craig's List but found nothing. My timeline was by February, we would have W out of his crib and start prepping him for a big boy bed. Then in March, we could get R's room read for Noelle. A was pretty much outgrowing his baby bed (the crib with a side off) so he was in need for a larger bed. Their room isn't huge so bunk-beds was the natural solution.
So off we went Saturday morning around 9:00 am. It was rainy and cold. The drive down there wasn't too bad as I dozed off and B talked on the phone some. The kids watched How to Train Your Dragon. We got to IKEA a little after 11:30 so our first stop was lunch at their bistro. B got the meatballs and me + the kids shared chicken tenders and fries. Lunch was yummy and took over an hour. Before shopping we were going to drop R & A off at the play area that IKEA provides for shoppers, but they were full and wouldn't have an opening for another 30 minutes. So in Hantla fashion, we took our kids along with us through the huge IKEA store. They were great though and we saw lots of stuff that would be good for R as she and N get bigger and need a 'big girl' room. There was a cute pink computer chair and lamp that we might get for R for when she starts school this year to put in her room for her little desk. IKEA just has tons of stuff.
But we found our bunk-beds and were very pleased. They are metal and that's what B wanted. He did not want wood for some reason. They are regular twin size but not super big and not bulky. We only had to buy one mattress because we planned to use the mattress from R's trundle bed since that isn't used hardly ever. If we need to pick up another twin mattress down the road we can. No biggie.
Our ride home was a little cramped. We had 2 big boxes plus the mattress. My loving hubby made it all fit even though the kids were all separated and couldn't see each other. That didn't really matter because they all feel asleep on the way home. I took another nap as well. We finally got home around 6:00 pm in time for dinner and bath time before bed.
Sunday afternoon B put the beds together and we began our room transformations. The boys' room is a little bare now because we had to take the shelves down with all the pictures on it, but we will put something back up soon. A got new Spiderman bedding and W got Toy Story bedding. We're going to give our old bedding and A's crib to Scott Love because they are due in July with a boy. A was super excited about his spiderman bed and sleeping on the top!
R's room did some changing as well. We had to take out the kid table and the puzzle cabinet to make room for N's crib and changing table. We also rearranged her desk and bookshelf to make things fit. It's a little snug, but everything fits. We haven't gotten girl bedding just yet. R is very excited to help decorate for Baby N, and I'm excited to let her help. We are making progress but not quite there yet. Here's what we've got so far...
So off we went Saturday morning around 9:00 am. It was rainy and cold. The drive down there wasn't too bad as I dozed off and B talked on the phone some. The kids watched How to Train Your Dragon. We got to IKEA a little after 11:30 so our first stop was lunch at their bistro. B got the meatballs and me + the kids shared chicken tenders and fries. Lunch was yummy and took over an hour. Before shopping we were going to drop R & A off at the play area that IKEA provides for shoppers, but they were full and wouldn't have an opening for another 30 minutes. So in Hantla fashion, we took our kids along with us through the huge IKEA store. They were great though and we saw lots of stuff that would be good for R as she and N get bigger and need a 'big girl' room. There was a cute pink computer chair and lamp that we might get for R for when she starts school this year to put in her room for her little desk. IKEA just has tons of stuff.
But we found our bunk-beds and were very pleased. They are metal and that's what B wanted. He did not want wood for some reason. They are regular twin size but not super big and not bulky. We only had to buy one mattress because we planned to use the mattress from R's trundle bed since that isn't used hardly ever. If we need to pick up another twin mattress down the road we can. No biggie.
Our ride home was a little cramped. We had 2 big boxes plus the mattress. My loving hubby made it all fit even though the kids were all separated and couldn't see each other. That didn't really matter because they all feel asleep on the way home. I took another nap as well. We finally got home around 6:00 pm in time for dinner and bath time before bed.
Sunday afternoon B put the beds together and we began our room transformations. The boys' room is a little bare now because we had to take the shelves down with all the pictures on it, but we will put something back up soon. A got new Spiderman bedding and W got Toy Story bedding. We're going to give our old bedding and A's crib to Scott Love because they are due in July with a boy. A was super excited about his spiderman bed and sleeping on the top!
R's room did some changing as well. We had to take out the kid table and the puzzle cabinet to make room for N's crib and changing table. We also rearranged her desk and bookshelf to make things fit. It's a little snug, but everything fits. We haven't gotten girl bedding just yet. R is very excited to help decorate for Baby N, and I'm excited to let her help. We are making progress but not quite there yet. Here's what we've got so far...
Happy Valentine's Day
We didn't do much on Valentine's Day because it was a Thursday. We went to work like normal and then had small group that night. The kids exchanged valentines at small group and Beth even brought something for the kids (she's the best). Here's the only picture we took and we tried to get Noelle involved:)
February Date Night
Our monthly date night rotation with small group landed us a Valentine's Date on February 15th. B was leaving on the 16th for a conference in TX (another post) so I was really looking forward to this time. I had also had a rough week at school dealing with a parent, so this date night was much needed!
The O'Janpa's were hosting the group for this one and we dropped our kids off a little before 6. It was a nice evening so they were outside swinging and playing. Our plan was to go to Red Lobster, but after getting there, the line was out the door and there wasn't a parking space open. So we changed our minds and went to Mimi's Cafe. We split the fried dill pickles and each got a new pasta meal. Mine was good, just really big so I had to get a box. B ate all of his, and he really liked it.
After eating, B dropped me off at the house so I could start laundry and packing for his trip. He went back and got the kids from the O house to end our date night. So thankful for a wonderful small group of God-loving people who share the belief that marriage comes before children!
The O'Janpa's were hosting the group for this one and we dropped our kids off a little before 6. It was a nice evening so they were outside swinging and playing. Our plan was to go to Red Lobster, but after getting there, the line was out the door and there wasn't a parking space open. So we changed our minds and went to Mimi's Cafe. We split the fried dill pickles and each got a new pasta meal. Mine was good, just really big so I had to get a box. B ate all of his, and he really liked it.
After eating, B dropped me off at the house so I could start laundry and packing for his trip. He went back and got the kids from the O house to end our date night. So thankful for a wonderful small group of God-loving people who share the belief that marriage comes before children!
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Lincoln, Bella holding Anna Kate, Julia, Rin holding Wes, Abe, Cooper, and Wesley |
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