Saturday, March 2, 2013

Single Mom weekend

I doubt I'll have any pictures to accompany this post, but I really wanted to just document how hard it is to be a single parent.  It's rough!

B was in TX for a conference.  He left Saturday (2/16/13) morning at 10 am and returned Tuesday (2/19/13) night at 8:30 pm.  Less than 4 entire days right?  I got this....

So Saturday it snowed and it wasn't a pretty fun snow.  It was a wet and yucky snow.  With R having a cough and W a runny nose, we did not go out on Saturday to play in the snow.  We stayed inside all day except for dinner at Chick-fil-A.  Jenni was kind enough to meet me there so the kids could play in the area to get some energy out.  It was much needed and we were there for almost 2 hours.  The home for baths and bed.

The 9:15 church service was cancelled due to the snow/ice so we had a relaxing Sunday morning and did not have to rush off to church.  I noticed R's eye was a little pink and my thought was 'she probably has pink eye'.  So now we couldn't go to church.  Besides going to Walmart for groceries for the week, we were stuck inside all day on Sunday.  It was still wet and yucky from the snow on Saturday, but now it seemed as if R had pink eye.  When giving the kids a bath Sunday night, I noticed some pink in A's eye as well.  I knew what was coming!

I texted Sheree that I felt my kids were starting to get pink eye and I would have to take Monday off from work.  I really dislike taking days off because getting ready for a sub is harder than just going to school yourself.  I try not to miss if at all possible.  But I called in and did not go to work.  I also called the doctor and got an appointment for 9am Monday morning.  Since both R and A had some pink tint, I took them both and ask MP to watch W.  She agreed and it was only for 2 hours.  While at the doctor, we found out that R did not have pink eye, but had an ear infection from her cold.  A did have pink eye.  They both needed medicine so I had to go back to Walmart to get their prescriptions.  It was a long morning but we were back home for lunch.  When nap time came around, I was exhausted so I took a nap on the sofa.  After naps it was playtime inside the house because of 1. pink eye and 2. R's cold.  We did puzzles, colored, and other inside activities until it was time for me to fix dinner.  The rest of the evening was fine and I gave baths and put the kids to bed.  MP agreed that since A had been on his eye drops for most of the day, she would watch the kids on Tuesday so I could go back to work.

It was nice to get back to work on Tuesday.  I love my kids but after 3 days together and inside the house without B, I was ready for a break.  My throat was a little soar and I just figured I was getting run down from the weekend.  Tuesdays are always hectic because that's our gymnastic day but nevertheless, I headed home at 3:15 to pick the kids up.  We went to gymnastics for A's 3:30 time and then R's class is at 4:30.  I had to pull A out once and spank him for not obeying Mr. Sam (his teacher).  When the other little boy is there, A is silly with him and acts up.  This is unacceptable for us so we take action.  I hope Mr. Sam doesn't mind.  By the time 5:00 rolled around and R was still in class, W had had enough.  I finally just had to go sit in the van with A and W since we were making too much noise inside the gym.  And the Kurio wasn't charged either!  That was mistake #1.  The 3 of us just sat in Cherry until R was done and then I went back inside to get her.  We made it home and I cooked dinner and then got the kids ready for bed.  Instead of going to bed, we headed to the airport to pick up B.  We were very excited and the kids each made a 'Welcome Home' card for him.  I'm sure I was the most excited for him to come back just to have the help.

Genesis 2:18  The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

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