Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Fall Visitors

Living in Texas has its perks.  We've had more visitors living here for a year than we would have living in NC.  
In September, Nana and Tata drove over for the weekend to help celebrate Lorenzo's 25th birthday.  They arrived late late Thursday night but it was good because the kids did not have school Friday and Bryce didn't have work either.  We enjoyed a fun Friday of normal stuff like the library and playing outside in the cul-de-sac and Keegan even came over for lunch.  Friday afternoon we had a birthday party for a boy from SCBC, so Nana and Tata went to visit Lorenzo for a while.  We had a great weekend with them that included a steak dinner for Lo's birthday and they came to church with us Sunday morning before driving back to MS.  Having them in town is always fun and never stressful because they are both very laid back people.
 A week later, Gran and Papaw came for 10 days.  These tickets were purchased back in June when SWA was doing their $50 one way special rates.  It was so cheap, they couldn't pass this chance up.  We actually didn't see them the first few days because they stayed in Katy and then went to College Station, but we got the at the end of their visit.  It was lovely to have them both in town and we went and had lunch with B one day and we had lunch with the kids at school as well.  They came to church with us and celebrated with us for A's 6th birthday.  We served at Second Mile with our ABF group while they were here and we were thankful they could come serve with us.  As Christians, we are called to serve, and what a great example for our kids, to see their parents and grandparents serving others like Christs commanded.

We miss our friends from NC and they were family for 10 years!  But it's very nice living closer to family and only being an 8-10 hour drive away (or a 1 hour flight) instead of a 14-16 hour drive.  God's plans are always better than we could ever imagine.

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