Monday, June 20, 2016

Last Days of School

May 31, 2016 was A's Kindergarten program.  The entire Kinder class sang a few songs an then the teachers called out each student and recognized them for finishing Kindergarten.  A wanted to dress up so he picked out his Easter clothes and I spiked his hair too.  He surprised us by not telling us that he would be a student conductor for one of the songs.  He was really enjoying his time on stated and sang his little heart out.

June 1, 2016 was R's 2nd grade awards ceremony.  The 2nd graders do not sing or dance like the Kindergartners but they did have a nice award's ceremony.  Each student was called out and 2 awards per student were announced.  Inside R's folder she had many certificates for her achievements throughout second grade.  I wanted to check her out after her awards, but she did not want to come with me.  So I left her at school and just checked A out instead. 

June 2, 2016 was the last day of 2nd grade for R and Kinder for A.  Both kids had a great year at Williams Elementary School and we are looking forward to a fun summer together.  Next year I'll have 3 kids in school and they are going to rock it!

You can really see how much A grew over the year

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