We look forward to camp every year and this year was no different. R, A & W were excited too and going to join us for camp on Monday after all the kids arrived and got settled. The four kids were with my dad and Ella for the weekend and planning to join us on Monday. Saturday afternoon, while at the playground, W jumped out of his swing and landed hard on his arm/shoulder. My parents iced it and gave him some children's Tylenol. It was pretty swollen, but W wasn't complaining about it so they thought it was okay. Monday when they brought W to us at camp, we took him to the camp nurse, and she took one look at it and her eyes got real big. She said "he needs an x-ray" and so that began the process of our first
ER visit. I've already written about W's broken arm and how that whole thing went down, so back to Civitan Camp.
Due to our hospital stay and W's arm, B and I were in and out of camp for a few days. R & A still went with Bubba and Gilly and traveled with their areas. I believe by Wednesday B and I were both back at camp full time, and my mom and Chuck took care of W and E.
I was the area mom of Native Village and B ran the "Hang Out" (aka the pool). Camp is one of our favorite weeks of the year and this year it was awesome again. We had a great group of guys at Native Village and I spent a lot of time with Matthew Glaze. I spent a lot of time with all the boys, but Matthew was always awake early like me, so we would sit under the pavilion and read together. Our counselors were good too, and we finished in the top 3 for the Abbie Award.
It's a lot easier to show pictures of our week instead of try and recount all the stories and events. I traveled with the group of guys most of the time, but I also had my cleaning duties back at the area. As always, it's one of my favorite weeks of the year and it's a little glimpse to what heaven will be like when there's no judgment and only love and service.
Matthew and I early one morning |
One night a counselor stepped on this and the nail went through his flip-flop. He had to get a tetanus shot. |
A and Jimmy playing cards |
Josh and Logan building with blocks at Native Village. |
A and Jimmy planning more |
Jackson enjoying fishing |
petting snakes and other reptiles from the zoo. |
Slade with a baby alligator |
Brody's turn with the alligator |
Dylan with his buddy |
R playing with Jackson |
Native Village area moms |
My love at my place |
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