Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Rin's 10th birthday

It was Rin's year for a birthday party and she went back and forth with lots of different ideas.  She finally decided on a Movie & Make-over party theme.  She invited her 2 closest friends, Penny & Faith.  The girls came over on a Saturday afternoon and Jess, a make up artist, came over to give make-overs to the girls.  The plan was for the four girls (R, E, P & F) to get make overs and then we would eat dinner before going to watch a movie.  The girls were very excited and their make overs were done really well.  Being all made up made them want to get dressed up for the movie, they borrowed Rin's dress up clothes and got all fancy for the movie.  We saw Christopher Robin at 8 pm (I maybe slept a little haha) and stopped at the Dollar Tree for snacks before the movie started.
R and F

Jess had a lot of make up!

R's turn

R's actually birthday

birthday girl

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