Saturday, February 25, 2012

First Haircut

So W's hair is really long in front. His bangs hang down past his eyes and always get caught in his snot.  It was getting out of control so we decided to cut his hair even though he wasn't a year old yet.  It was a joint effort.  B cut, I held W, and Uncle Topher took pictures.  Here are a few from the event!

 Happy boy before with long bangs

 trimming up around the ears
 much better
 Maybe W will have a nice head of hair like A one day

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mardi Gras 2012

Growing up Catholic and near the MS gulf coast, my family celebrated Mardi Gras every year.  Being in NC, it's not the same.  A package arrived today for R.A.W. and it was a king cake from Paul's Pastry!  Here are a few pictures from decorating the cake.  To make it even better, Uncle Topher, Aunt Jaime, and Layla are here visiting us too.  More about our time later.

Thank you Granddad for our king cake.  It was delicious!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mid-day snack

Usually on TWDs, the kids are at daycare.  Today they were with me at school so my work time got cut by a few hours.  It was totally worth it because after lunch, we went to Krispy Kreme for a little snack.  B got to meet us and it was great.  Here's a few pics from the wonderful time!

 I especially love how A has his legs crossed:)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Special Visitors

2 of our closest friends,  Chris and Heather, live in Atlanta and moved down there in 2007.  While they lived up here, they were in our small group, and we would hang out often.  We were very sad when they moved, but have kept up our friendship and see them several times a year.  Whenever we drive down to MS for camp or other vacations, we always stop and stay with them in Atlanta.  Chris and Heather also come to the crawfish boil every Easter too.  They have become part of the family.

Chris's mom, sister, and niece still live in Raleigh.  This weekend C & H were up here to visit them.  The last time we saw C & H was in October when they came into town for the fair.  Sometimes it might just be a quick visit, but we take any time with them that we can get.  C & H came over to our house around 3pm while the kids were taking their naps.  It was nice that we got some adult time first to talk and catch up.  The kids woke up from their naps and we played and hung out for a while.  C & B went outside to got a fire set up and ready for later.  We had pizza for dinner and then roasted marshmallows for dessert.  Since it was Saturday,  we had to give our kids a bath like normal, and then bed at 8pm.  After the kids were in bed, the 4 of us, watched Real Steel.  C & H left around 11:30 pm and then they drove back to Atlanta today.  We had such a good time visiting with them.  I believe the next time we'll see each other will be in Hammond over Easter for the crawfish boil.  They told me they were planning to attend.  I hope they are able to come. 

H works for Home Depot right now and is enjoying it.  C is a student at Kennesaw State and will graduate in August.  He's applying for jobs at the moment and is seeking the path that God has for him right now.  We know that C & H will do whatever God has called for them.  H's job is stable, but if C were to get something that required a move, she would support her husband.  It's always nice to visit with them and catch up.  They are great people and we love them.

W 9 Months

W had his 9 month wellness check up on Monday February 13th.  B took him since I was in school.  His 1 year is scheduled for 3:45pm so I'll be able to attend that one. W did great at his appointment.  B said he didn't cry at all.  When Dr. S came in, W stared at him intently and didn't really relax, but never cried. There were no shots, which is always nice!  Here are his stats as of 9 months.

W weighs 21 lbs 3 oz.  He's in the 50th percentile for weight.  W is 27.5 inches long and is in the 25th percentile.  His head circumference is 45.5 cm and also 50th percentile.  I'm not surprised he's only 25th percentile for height because of my jeans.  He's got some chunky legs, but we love them!

Let me record what W does as a 9 month old.  He's crawling everywhere and that's his method of transportation right now.  He pulls up and cruises a little, but only along surfaces that don't have any breaks (like the sofa).  He likes to talk, and can say ma-ma.  He really loves it when A wrestles with him and laughs uncontrollably.  One of his favorite things is when R sings to him and she does so a lot in the car and at the table.  W is understanding that when we pray, he needs to be quiet and is quiet during meal prayer and our bedtime prayer. 

Just like any baby, he sometimes gets into stuff that he shouldn't.  W has received pops when he tries to turn over while getting his diaper changed, when he tries to touch the computer, or when he tries to stick his hand into Cooper's bowls.  So far, he listens pretty well and when we call his name and tell him 'no no', he responds.

I can't believe in 3 short months, we will be celebrating W's first birthday.  Wesley Blake is such a blessing to our family.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dentist Trip

Since R is 3, we decided it was time for her to go to the dentist.  We made the switch from toddler toothpaste to real kid toothpaste a few months ago and she's been doing really well.  I had my 6th month cleaning so I just scheduled R for the appointment after mine.  The plan was for B to get the kids a little early so R could see me getting my teeth done so she wouldn't be scared.  I'm not sure what I was thinking because she was so excited about going to the dentist.  As soon as she got there, she said 'hi mommy' and then went into her room and sat in the chair they had ready for her.  The hygienist counted her teeth and she has 20.  They polished her teeth with bubble gum flavored paste and then Dr. Robbie looked at her teeth.  The last thing they did was paint them with fluoride.  Dr. Robbie said that her mouth was small and her teeth were very tight.  There's no reason to worry about the size because she will grow.  R has a small head, and we've known that since she's been born.  R received a little goodie bag with a new Belle toothbrush, sparkly toothpaste and some princess floss.  She's very proud of herself and even brought her goodie bag to Bible Study with her Wednesday night.  By the time I finished up and go to R's room, she was already done so I only got pictures at the end.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

A little Saturday fun!

 Wes laughing
 I love my boys
 Rin is goofy
We girls have to stick together in this house!

A little Saturday fun after breakfast.  February 4, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Parenting Isn't for One

God created men and women to be married and have children.  He made it that way on purpose because parenting isn't made for just one person.  The nights when Bryce is gone are long and tiring.  I'm definitely grateful for the help he gives me when he's home.

Every other Thursday, B has to drive to Hendersonville to Fruitland Bible College to teach a Brit Lit class.  FBC is about 4 hours away.  His class is from 5-9 so he stays the night and then drives home Friday morning.  Basically Thursday mornings we take 2 cars and he brings the kids to MP like usual, then we don't see him again until Friday afternoon.  I pick the kids up Thursday after school and then bring them to MP Friday morning.  Last night was our 2nd time to do this FBC trip and it was easier.  The first Thursday was when Nicole had her baby so we drove to the hospital.  Last night we went to Keith & Jen's house.  They said they would 'adopt' me any Thursday when B was out of town.  R& A love to play with L and soon, W & B will be playing together too.  Jen made breakfast casserole with muffins and fruit.  It was so good!  The kids all played and had  a good time.  I think we were home and the kids in bed by about 8:40 pm.  But it's the little things that B does that I take for granted.  Like taking the trash out.  Fridays are the trash days and if it were up to me, we'd never have cans out front.  I just never think about it because I've never had to do it.  Cooper is also another item that B always takes care of.  Cooper really won't poop for me:(  I could go on and on for all the things that B helps me with or just takes care of that I don't realize.  Parenting isn't made for one. 

I'm looking forward to some family time this weekend.  I want to go to Old navy tomorrow and use the gift card that I got for Christmas from B's parents.  I also have $10 Old Navy cash that I can spend on $20 or more.  It's also a Sam's shopping trip weekend for formula, groceries, and daycare food.  I'm not sure what B's work load looks like for tomorrow, but hopefully he'll be able to join us.  If not, then I'm prepared for a normal Saturday.