Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dentist Trip

Since R is 3, we decided it was time for her to go to the dentist.  We made the switch from toddler toothpaste to real kid toothpaste a few months ago and she's been doing really well.  I had my 6th month cleaning so I just scheduled R for the appointment after mine.  The plan was for B to get the kids a little early so R could see me getting my teeth done so she wouldn't be scared.  I'm not sure what I was thinking because she was so excited about going to the dentist.  As soon as she got there, she said 'hi mommy' and then went into her room and sat in the chair they had ready for her.  The hygienist counted her teeth and she has 20.  They polished her teeth with bubble gum flavored paste and then Dr. Robbie looked at her teeth.  The last thing they did was paint them with fluoride.  Dr. Robbie said that her mouth was small and her teeth were very tight.  There's no reason to worry about the size because she will grow.  R has a small head, and we've known that since she's been born.  R received a little goodie bag with a new Belle toothbrush, sparkly toothpaste and some princess floss.  She's very proud of herself and even brought her goodie bag to Bible Study with her Wednesday night.  By the time I finished up and go to R's room, she was already done so I only got pictures at the end.


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