Friday, January 25, 2013

January Date Night

Landon, Logan, Lincoln, Cooper, Rin, Wes, Bella, Julia, Wesley, Abe
January was our month to host small group date night.  Since December, we've had another couple join with 3 boys.  We were expecting 13 kids, but the Caldwell boys got sick:(  We only had 10!

Kids started arriving a little after 5 and we had everyone by 6.  We played for a little while, colored, and took a group picture before dinner.  For dinner we served mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, and trail-mix for dessert.  During dinner B got all the kids to play the quiet game.  It was so quiet and hilarious all at the same time.

After dinner the kids danced before watching a movie, The Incredibles.  Parents started to pick their kids up a bit after 8pm and all were gone by 8:30.  It was a fun evening and really not a big deal.  We look forward to 3/4 months of dates when other couples get to watch our bundles of joy:)

Abe Lincoln
movie time

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