Friday, January 25, 2013


I've been really bad about posting during the week (or really this month).  It's hard for me to get motivated after putting the kids to bed at 8pm.  I've posted like 5 or 6 today during their nap time, while I'm home from school because of a 4 hour early dismissal.  I had to hook up my camera and B's phone just to get all the pictures.  It's worth it though to document the things we do and our pictures.

I picked Siblings as this title because I just wanted to express how I love love love that my kids love each other.  They are each unique and special, but enjoy one other and know that family comes first!  Here's an update of each child:

Rin (4) loves learning.  She's super excited about starting Kindergarten next school year.  She is starting to read and can carry on a great phone conversation.  She's also turning into a little polite lady and crosses her legs when sitting in her car seat.  She's very kind and loving and I already see a sweet innocent pure heart in her.

Abe (3) is energetic and fun.  He's all boy and rambunctious.  He started gymnastics and really excels physically and athletically.  He's definitely fearless and will jump off anything at any height.  Mom gets nervous at playgrounds!  His best-friend is Grayson and says he wants to marry mommy.  One of my favorite things is when we watch Spider-man, he wants to sit next to me.  He's not big on holding my head, but wants to be near me and that's enough for me right now! 

Wes (20 months) is talking up a storm.  His favorite word is 'no' but he's very funny when he says 'yeah'.  Wes loves to wrestle with Abe and roll around on the floor with Cooper.  His favorite characters are Diego and Mickey Mouse.  He wants very badly to keep up with big kids, but sometimes he's just too small.  When we go to the playground, he loves to swing.  Wes loves babies and I'm very happy about that fact!

Here are some pictures from our first month of 2013.  A lot of changes will be happening in the next several months and we are looking forward to what God has planned for the Hantla Clan!
R holding Anna Kate

R holding W

Rin is getting prepared to be a big sister again!  

Quick date for mommy and daddy

Daddy playing horsey

walking into church

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