Over a month after Abe's birthday and I'm just now sitting down to write about it. Poor guy! Abe had a great 4th birthday and he was the center of attention for the entire day.
Kristen picked A up for preschool around 8:30 am and while at her house, she got him a cupcake a gift. Socks were part of his present and they were ninja turtle socks. He was so excited and they have surpassed his spider-man socks now. Abe came home around 4 from K's house and then we got a chance to make a big deal about him. He opened his gifts from the grandparents and then his gift from us. The highlight was a Spiderman costume from Gran and Papaw. Abe was very excited about his dress up. We got him a ninja turtle shirt and hat with eye-mask that was red for Raphael.
Since it was Monday, we let Abe pick the breakfast meal for the evening and he picked pancakes with bacon and sausage. B made cc pancakes and both meats for the boy. Keith and the girls were over to help us celebrate A. After dinner, J/N picked up A for a special godparent outing for dessert. They took him to sweet Cici's for frozen yogurt. N said that he got to pick whatever mix-ins he wanted and he picked mostly candy. I'm not surprised. He has a sweet tooth like his momma:) J/N gave A a hotwheels track for his bday and when he got home, J opened it and put it together for him. I'm pretty sure we skipped baths that night but before A could go to sleep, he had a tummy ache from all the sweets/sugar/candy he had had during the day. After some time in the bathroom, he was ready for bed and coming off his sugar high. It didn't take him long to fall asleep from such an exciting day.
B took A to his 4 year wellness check up later that week. Here were A's stats:
height 40.75
Weight 30.8
good vision and hearing
got 4 shots and took the first 2 like a champ and then cried
I'm so glad he was 40 inches tall since the Disney trip was quickly approaching. Some of the rides required 40 inches and we were afraid he wasn't going to meet that. He did, Praise God. Here are a few things I want to remember about my four year old...
Abe loves super heroes. He will watch anything of that nature with his daddy and loves to pretend to 'save' his kids/friends as a superhero. His favorite at the moment is Spiderman. A also loves puzzles. He's worked his way up to 48 piece puzzles with ease. There's a big jump from 48 to 100 pieces but he will be ready for those soon. Abe has recently gotten into Ninja Warrior (thanks B) and likes to go in the back yard and flip on the dome. He's pretty good about trying new things physically. His cartwheel is developing and much better than his sisters.
I'm most impressed with A and his memory. Since starting Awana this year at CRF, he has memorized so many Bible verses. He's memorized his and R's so far and we've had 2 verses per week for almost 10 weeks. The other day, he was just rattling off all his verses and I was so proud. The Lord is working on him and Jesus is in his mind. I pray daily that A will become the young man that God has planned for him. A is tender but still very much boy. He loves on E all the time and couldn't be any sweeter to her.
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