Our yearly tradition didn't stop just because we moved to a different state....NOPE!
On the plane leaving Houston |
In Raleigh about to head to Charlotte |
B and I flew to NC for a weekend to catch a football game with J/K and visit friends quickly. This whole conversation started when B told me that he would be at a conference in Nashville the weekend we were supposed to drive to NOLA to watch the Saints play the Panters in the Dome. I, of course, was bummed, but I tried to be understanding. Coming to the realization that we would not make a game, was very sad for us. B came home one day and said "we should just go to Carolina for the game. It's on Thursday and I have Friday's off, it can work out" so I looked for tickets and found some. We asked J/K and they were on board so we made it happen. We didn't tell a lot of people at first, but then we started sharing our news. I knew it would be a quick trip, so how could we see as many people as we wanted without being in the car the entire time...??? Kristen O'Janpa to the rescue. More about that in a minute.
Thursday we left Houston at 9:30 and landed at RDU at 1:00. K picked us up and we went to Wild Wing Cafe for lunch. Oh it was so good! We waited for Jen to get home from work and then we headed to Charlotte. We checked into the hotel and then caught the train into town for the game. The game was great and we won (Sorry K). It got chilly so the boys bought us hot chocolate to help keep us warm. So much fun!
Catching the train before the game |
We stayed the night at the hotel and ate in the continental breakfast before leaving back to Raleigh. J let us have her car for the weekend so our next stop was Wake Forest Middle School. I'd been communicating with Kline so he was expecting us. He was on planning so we chatted with him for a while before seeing Linda and Chris and a few other people. I wish I had had more time, but it was Friday afternoon on Halloween so I knew people wanted to get home. At 3:30 we went to Sheree's house and ate with she and Ahmad. I think we were there for a little more than an hour before heading to the Caldwells for trick or treating. My favorite Halloween memories are from the Caldwell house and I was very happy to be back. I missed my kids though and wished they could have been back with us to see their friends. I was so grateful that Nicole opened her home for us and there was food and fun. The O'Janpa family came as did some of N's family. In ways, I feel like N's sister is my sister and her mom was my second-mom. We've been great friends with the Caldwells for so long. We just love their family. That night was great and I sat with N on the sofa til 1 in the morning just talking. Boy, have I missed NC.
Saturday started with a great home-cooked breakfast by K and game day on the TV.
My god-daughters |
Our plans were to hang out with them for a short while before heading over to K/V's house for the open house. K/V were gracious enough to open their home for us and let our friends come over and visit. She came to our rescue because we couldn't figure out how to see all the people we wanted to see without driving all over town. Her invitation said 11:00 so we got there early to hang with just the O'Janpa family. B and V made a quick run to Home Depot while I visited with K and Bella. We had a great time at their house and saw lots of friends: C. Buck, Linda, the Kline's, the Boas family, small group families, and Lauria.
The Kline's |
The Boas's |
K had a great spread set out and I think small group people all brought a little something to help. We just grazed on the snack food all day long. Our original plan was to leave at 4:30 to be back at K/J for a fish fry but it was more like 5:30 before we left. I didn't want to leave because I love K's house. There have been so many play-dates, workout sessions, and dinners with V/K. Next time we come to visit, I think we will stay at least 1 night with the O'Janpas. We had snacked all day, but not enough to be full because K was frying fish and wings for us. J and I made fried pickles and it was a normal Hantla-Gillam sleepover minus the 4 Hantla kids. We watched football, ate food, and the wives fell asleep on the sofa while the husbands watched a movie. I don't exactly remember the time, but I think I went to bed around 1:00 am. B & K were still watching a movie. I think the only thing that could have made our weekend any better, was having our kids. Don't get me wrong, it was better for us for the football game sake, but the other visiting and stuff, our kids would have loved seeing their friends. And everyone asked how the kids were doing so we would talk about our kids and that made me miss them even more.
Tinkerbell, Mikey, Donny, and Alphaba |
We flew home early
On our flight home |
Sunday and P/V and the kids picked us up from the airport. We were so excited to see them! P/V were nice enough to fly down to take care of our kids while we went away for the weekend. They took the kids to Katy, TX for Halloween and trick-or-treating
with their cousins and played with them the rest of the time while we were gone.
P/V are such a blessing to our family to allow us the chance to fly to NC. We are so thankful and grateful for them.
Me and my boys |
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