Way back before we moved to TX, our friends Sara & Andrew were planning a trip to Oklahoma for his brother's wedding. His brother was getting married in Edmond and so we offered P/V's house for S/A and their family. Everything was planned. Then we moved and thought it would be a great chance to see our friends for a weekend, so we decided to drive to OK to see S/A and P/V.
We checked R out of school about 30 minutes early to get on the road. Everything was going great and even the traffic wasn't that bad. We hit a little traffic in Dallas but the majority of the trip was easy driving. Lorenzo was house sitting and dog sitting for us. I think it was around 10:00 pm when we arrived and all the kids had fallen asleep. They woke up to visit with Gran & Papaw for a while, but the Daniel kids were already asleep. We set up their sleeping bags and put the kids to bed. I think we stayed up with S & A talking til around 1 am.

Friday morning Gran made us breakfast of bacon and eggs. S&A didn't have to be anywhere early so we had a chance to have a relaxing morning with them. We took the kids to the playground in the neighborhood and they played in the backyard too. It was just a nice morning with friends and family. We left to meet Papaw for lunch and then took a trip to Walmart to find B and OU hat. Gran picked up a few things for the kids to do at her house. I think it was around 3 in the afternoon when we made it back to their house and E took a nap. I dozed on the sofa while Gran played with the 3 bigs. I don't even know what B did for 2 hours. Our Friday night plans included a high school football game at B's Alma Mater, Edmond Memorial. We watched the Bulldogs play West Moore HS and ate dinner at the game. R loved watching the cheerleaders and A enjoyed the football game. I think E was frustrated being in her stroller but Gran took her out for a bit. The weather was great and we had a good time. We left shortly after the half-time show to head back home for bed time.
R watched the cheerleaders the whole game. One came to talk to her during half time |
Hanging out in the back yard |
Being silly |
Saturday morning started out rough when W puked pretty much in his sleep. It was the strangest thing. B and I were awake but just laying in bed and then we heard sounds that were similar to the sound Cooper makes when he vomits. All four kids were in the room with us and we knew it wasn't E, but it was a toss up to which of the other 3. I pulled my phone out and used the flashlight to discover W's poor head near a pile of vomit. It was gross and sad. He was upset and obviously didn't feel good so we took action. We put A and R in the bed to get them off the floor. I took W to the bathroom and put him in the shower and B started cleaning up the floor. While in the shower, W called out that he needed to poop, so I took soaking wet W and put him on the toilet...poor guy had diarrhea too. I think once he got it all out of his system he was fine because that's the only time he got sick. We thought maybe it was the food he ate at the football game. Either way, we got it cleaned up and it made for a gross/funny story later that morning. A/S had a brunch with their family so they were busy. We made plans to eat at First Watch with Gran and Papaw, so that's where our day started. Breakfast there was very good and most everyone cleaned their plate. After the yummy breakfast, we headed to a park so the kids could play for a while. I don't even know the name of the park we went to, but it was near some water supply. It was cute and the kids had a great time. On our way home, we stopped by a cute pumpkin patch that had free train rides and face painting, which the kids absolutely loved! By the time we got home, E had passed out so she took her afternoon nap (while I slept on the sofa again). Gran cooked spaghetti for dinner and it was delicious. It was nice to eat at home after eating out for 3 days. We all had a craving for ice cream for dessert so we headed to Brick-town in OK City. It was a nice evening and we enjoyed walking around together. I think we stopped at a Marble Slab and it's been years since we've been to Marble Slab. The one in Wakefield NC shut down a few years back. Our visit was coming to a close and Marble Slab Ice Cream was a great way to end it. Ice cream always makes things better. After getting all the kids into bed, we stayed up with S/A until 1:00 am again just chatting and catching up. They had an EARLY flight Sunday morning that I felt bad about keeping them up but....we never seen them anymore!
Raff |
Monster High |
Leo |
E's butterfly |

So Sunday around 3 am, R wakes me up that she needs to throw up. Here we go again....Round 2 with R except she pukes 4 times between 3 am and 6 am. I think she finally stopped at 6 and fell back asleep until 7:30. The kids got up so I sent them down stairs for breakfast. R tried eating a banana and she threw that up pretty much immediately. I let B sleep since he had to drive us home and I packed all the bags and tried to clean our room up, even though it needed a good bleach cleaning due to our puke germs. I think we finally left at 9:30 am and just started making our way back home. We knew we didn't have Awana that night so our goal was to make it home for Sunday Night Football because the Saints were playing the Packers in the Dome. About an hour and a half into our drive, E started to fuss and we just thought she was hungry. I gave her some cheese-it crackers and we kept driving. Not long after that, she was still fussing so I turned around to talk to her. Then I saw a stream of orange liquid run out of her mouth all down her into her car seat. Round 3 in the van without any notice. Of course E couldn't tell us that she felt bad or she thought she needed to throw up but she obviously felt bad and needed to throw up. We pulled over at the first stop and B bought some paper towels and febreeze at the gas station. Poor R got sick again while we were stopped. I think that stop lasted an hour but when it was all said and done, E was naked (except her diaper) sitting in her seat with no pads (they were disgusting) but we were on the road again. I think we made it an hour before E puked again, and without warning so there was no way for me to catch it in the throw-up bucket. R was done by this time and finally said she felt better. W and A were fine and wanted to eat lunch. B & I were a little hesitant to eat a full lunch just because we figured we would be next. We stopped for a bite to eat and then made our way to TX. The trip lasted about 9 hours and the ended was a blur. I remember I-45 was shut down so we had to take back roads that added extra time to our drive. We picked up a hot and ready and made it home with time for baths before the SNF game.
How we felt on Sunday |
So here's the scene. We are sitting in the living room watching the game and eating (some of us). I'm holding E so B can eat and I can feel her tummy rumbling and then, projectile vomit all over me and the sofa. I couldn't do anything except for giggle and just sit there with it all over me. Needless to say, we got back in the shower again and I washed more clothes and towels. Poor E, that was her last time to vomit, but she went out with a bang. I think that was possibly one of the worse travel days we've ever had!
Together after 9 hours, 3 kids puking but we are happy! |
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