Sunday, May 17, 2015

Easter Bunny Pictures

 Our tradition has always been to take picture with the Easter Bunny.  Just because we lived in Texas didn't mean we would change our plan, so we found a mall bunny at First Colony Mall in Sugar Land.  I was a little worried about E, but she followed the lead of her siblings and gave the bunny a big hug before the picture.  We haven't actually tied the Easter Bunny into Christ's Resurrection, but we will try to do that eventually.  Our kids know that the reason we celebrate Easter is because that's when Jesus was raised from the dead.  They also know it's the time for bunnies and egg hunts....but not sure if they relate the two together or just think about them as separate things.  Sometime we will need to be more intentional about addressing next season, during Lent leading up to Easter. 

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