Sunday, May 17, 2015

Famous Couples ABF Party

Our Sunday School Class, or as Sugar Creek calls them, ABF classes (Adult Bible Fellowship) had it's ABF childcare night back in March.  B and I went to the Christmas party ABF night and we had fun getting to know more people in the class.  This childcare night had a theme of Famous Couples.  The only instructions were to dress as a famous couple.  The couple could be real, fictional, biblical, pop-culture artist, or athlete.  B and I talked a lot about who we could dress up as that was easy to be, recognizable, and wouldn't require purchasing a lot of stuff.  Finally we settled on...

Did you recognize us?  I had to do some convincing, but then I just made the decision and B went along with it.  We had a blast and the costumes were not that hard to make.  And now, we are ready for Halloween.  We actually own best costume of the night and we both got a gift card to Berry Hill. 

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