Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Potty Training E

The week after Easter, the boys went to MS with my mom and we just brought the girls back with us.  I decided I would attempt to potty train E since R would be in school all day.  I wasn't confident that it would go well since she was a month shy of 2 and the other 3 I trained after they turned 2, but this was the ONLY time I would have E all alone without other kids.  We started Tuesday because Monday we were dealing with rental car issues (another post) but Tuesday morning I put her in panties and let the training begin.  I sat her at the table coloring and doing puzzles since I didn't want her on the carpet.  I think in the first 30 minutes, she peed in 4 different panties and I was getting discouraged.  By nap time, she's gone through all of her panties (about 10 pairs) so we were done for the day.  I just put her in a diaper and did a load of laundry.

Wednesday went much better.  She only had a couple of accidents in her panties before nap time, and after nap time, I put her back in panties and she did great.  I still wasn't brave enough to leave the house, so we didn't go anywhere.  Thursday morning she stayed dry all morning, so we went to R's school for our Thursday lunch date.  I took her pee pee before we left, once at R's school and as soon as we got home, and she stayed dry.  I felt like she was finally getting it.  So Thursday night, we went to the Y for an hour and she went potty for Ms. A (our favorite) and got a treat.  From Thursday on, she was good to go.  I'm not saying she didn't have any accidents, because she has had some, but overall, she's potty trained.  She even made a trip to Beaumont and back to pick up the boys, staying dry both ways.  We are so proud of her, but we shouldn't be surprised because she has hit many milestones earlier than the other 3.  Most people just say it's because she has 3 examples to watch, and while I agree, I think it follows in line with her personality of being independent and smart....but I guess I'm biased right?

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