Sunday, November 22, 2015

Halloween Block Party

I LOVE our cul-de-sac. 
We have great neighbors and a friendly block.  Just like what we did for the fourth of July, we planned to do something similar for Halloween.  We set up tables, and split up the responsibilities like before except I think more people came since more people were out and about walking around.  We played in the cul-de-sac for a while before trick or treating.

 JuJo was still living with us, so they joined in as well. 
Frank cooked burgers and hot dogs, and we had a ton of sides like chips, cookies, cupcakes, and plenty of drinks too.  We joined all our candy is one big bowl and gave out to kids that were coming to our area to trick-or-treat.  Derrick played music again, and the kids requested the 'whip and nae nae' over and over again.  It was a great time and rain held off, thank you God! 

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