Monday, November 16, 2015

Skeeters Fun!

We've been blessed with tickets to see the Sugar Land Skeeters play a couple of times.  Our first game was in August with the Bentley Family from Awana.  They were able to get enough tickets for both our families for a Saturday afternoon game.  We were excited because we really like live sporting events.
free Fanta samples outside the stadium

I got the brunettes

He got the blones

Our next opportunity to attend was a few Friday's later and we brought the Marsh family with us.  Mr. Mark from Awana works for ESPN at the Skeeter's stadium and he was able to get us tickets for a Friday home game.  We were really excited because on the Friday home games there are fireworks after the game. 

Skeeters Tattoos!

yummy ice cream on a hot night!

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