Christmas, for the first time since having kids, was going to be spent in Mississippi. Usually we traveled to TX for the Christmas break because that was the longest break from school/work and gave us the most time to travel. Now that we live in TX, we have the opportunity to see my family for different holidays and we were all excited about it.
B had to work on the 23rd but we left after work and arrived in Hattiesburg around midnight. We put the kids to bed and then quickly fell asleep ourselves. The morning of the 24th was pretty chill with breakfast at the house and just playing. B and I went for a run around the neighborhood and AC came over to visit as well. My mom's only rule for Christmas Eve was absolutely no Wal-mart trips. We had to have all our shopping and stuff done before Christmas Eve. We ate lunch at BWW per the kids request and that was a nice time. A funny thing happened with our waitress after our food was brought to us and B announced it was time to pray, she asked if she could pray with us. We were like "sure, of course" and B asked if there was anything he could pray for her and she said "unspoken". That's never happened to me before and I think we'll start asking our servers if we can pray for them when we go out to eat from now on. After lunch, we went to Jeannie's house for a bit. She had gifts for the kids and wanted to see them, so this was the easiest thing to do. Jeannie not only had gifts for the kids, she had gifts for all of us including my mom, chuck, and AC. She's very thoughtful and has been really good to my family. Donna was there and had her UNO cards. It didn't take long for my kids to see those cards and we all sat down for a game of UNO. Donna won and I believe W was a close second (or maybe I was, I can't remember). That was probably my favorite thing from Christmas Eve, was playing UNO with Donna. She kept playing out of turn and my kids understood why and were very patient with her. Before we went to Christmas Eve Mass, we went home for a quick rest and to change into our church clothes. We went to St. Fabian to celebrate mass with Fr. Tommy and about a thousand other people. The kids were excellent during the service so when we got home, they got to open their Christmas Eve gift from Granddad-new jammies! The girls got matching Minnie Mouse jammies, and the boys got matching Star Wars jammies. Of course they were very excited about this and wanted to wear them immediately. But first we had Bonnie's Christmas Eve party so we headed to Bonnie's house around 6 pm. Bonnie Hrdlica has a Christmas Eve party every year, and this was our first time going. She has a ton of food and usually the adults just sit around and talk. The kids played in the back in the playroom and I think maybe watched a show on Netflix. Since Bonnie has 2 granddaughters, she had some toys and kids things in one of her spare bedrooms. The food was delicious and we had a good time and left around 8. The kids quickly got into their jammies and B read them the book The Donkey That Didn't Carry Anyone that Jeannie gave us for Christmas.
Christmas morning came quickly and I got up early to help my mom make breakfast. Together, we made Cinnamon Roll French Toast Casserole. It's very yummy and everyone loved it. AC came over for breakfast and then after breakfast, we opened gifts. The kids had (in my opinion) too many gifts but what could I do? I began to feel like we had lost the meaning of Christmas and so we tried to refocus every now and again, but realized that at their ages, this gift opening part is very exciting so I just tired to be happy for them. I don't remember how long it lasted, but after we were done, we let the kids play with some of their new things and I helped my mom cook Christmas food. My mom had prepped most things a head of time before we arrived, which made cooking Christmas dinner a little quicker and easier. We had a ham, sweet potato casserole and mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, asparagus, and rolls. We all ate until we were stuffed and then the kids played with their new things again. We made the kids take a little rest while watching a movie, and B & I walked around the neighborhood for a bit. While the thoughts were fresh on our mind, we brainstormed about how not to get out of control with gifts in the coming years. We both felt the same way, but realized that it was too late for us to do anything about it this year. We would have to plan better for 2016. At 4:00 pm we left for Hub Lanes for a little family bowling. My mom and AC are both on bowling leagues and have had a lot of fun bowling together for a few years now. We had a blast bowling together and even E got to bowl once or twice on her own. A, being good with numbers, was quick to follow the scores and kept us updated on who was winning throughout the games. Bowling was a high light for all of us and tired us all out too. After bowling a couple of games, we went back home, ate some dinner, and then went to bed.
The morning of the 26th, we ate cereal for breakfast and then traveled to Pass Christian to spend time with my dad and Ella. We arrived at their house around 11:00 am and visited with them and exchanged gifts. They got the kids magnatiles for Christmas and it was a huge hit. Originally they said that the tiles would stay at Nana and Tata's house so the kids could play with them when they came back to visit, but the kids had so much fun building, that Nana changed her mind and sent us home with the tiles. They have gotten a lot of use, trust me. We drove over to visit Grandmalupe for about an hour, talking with her. She gave the kids sprite and oreos to snack on, so of course they had a great time. We had grilled cheese for lunch back at Dad's house, then walked to the park down the street near the beach. The kids have gone to this park a lot with Nana and Tata and its a fun park. B taught A how to flip out of a swing and even E had a blast playing around. It was nice weather too-didn't feel like Christmas. Since the kids got all dirty at the playground, we decided to give baths before heading to dinner. B requested Daddy Z's for dinner because they have great seafood. I don't really good seafood, so we get it out to eat when we can. We've eaten at Dadddy Z's a couple of times, and they have yet to disappoint. Dinner was followed by a movie and bed time.
Sunday was the day I had been waiting for since Halloween! This was the day we were going to take R/A to their first New Orleans Saints game. The morning started early with W going to church at 6:45 with Tata. E left at 8:00 with Nana for her church services. We left with R & A around 8:30 and drove to NO. The game was flexed from 12 to 3 pm, which gave us more time to spend hanging out in New Orleans. We parked and walked around NO for a while and waited in a long line to eat at Cafe Du Monde. The weather was warm with some clouds, but didn't rain on us. We walked around Jackson Square and looked at the different art work displayed. It was a really nice time with R & A even though it was a lot of walking. We headed to the stadium and made our way to our seats before the game started. I wanted to watch the introductions so we quickly got our food and went back just in time to see our Defensive Starters being called out one by one. The Saints beat Jacksonville and it was a great game for the kids to see. We are so grateful for Uncle Charles for giving us his tickets. We stayed for the entire game, even though a lot of people started leaving in the fourth quarter since the Saints were up and there was no way for Jacksonville to come back. We collected 4 towels for our kids from people who left them behind and we got some new Souvenir Cups. We drove back home and had the kids in bed by 9:00. W and E had a good day with Nana and Tata but I look forward to the day when all 6 of us can attend a game together.
In the middle of the night, we started hearing thunder and woke up early to our phone alarms of Tornado Warnings in Gulfport. Since we were awake, we decided to get up and packed up our things and cuddle with our kids. We waited for the rain to let up a little, and left at 7:30. We made it back to Houston at 2:45, which gave us plenty of time to brush our teeth before our dentist appointment at 3:00 pm at Amazing Smiles. All 6 of us go to the dentist on the same day and while 1 adult is seen, 2 kids go back and then vice versa. I'd much rather spent 3 hours at the dentist one day, then go back 4 or 5 different times for each person. I think for dinner we stopped at Chickfila and then finally made it home. All 6 of us were tired from the long day of driving, but only B did all the actual driving. We pick up Cooper the next day from Ms. Mary's house, and the kids were excited to see him. Our family was back together!
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Monday, February 8, 2016
Winter Woodsland Dance
I've been to a lot of dances over the years at WFMS but I went to my first elementary school dance on January 29th. Williams Elementary School hosted a Winter Woodlands Dance for the students and their families. It was great. We used it as our family date night and we all got dressed up for the event. A great time was had by all.
We ate dinner together at home before getting ready. The boys wanted to wear their matching "red lobster" clothes and we found out that A's clothes are a bit too short. His shirt was too short on his arms so we rolled his sleeves up. W's clothes still fit him pretty well. R wore her Christmas dress and E decided she wanted to wear her tutu. I'm not sure where or how that idea came to her, but we agreed and she requested her hair be put in a ballerina bun. I wore my new LSU dress and B work a nice button up shirt and sports coat. We all looked pretty nice if I do say so myself.
The dance was pretty crowded but after getting inside, we danced a few songs as a family before A wanted to go off with his friends. R danced with some friends, but always stayed pretty close to us and W/E stayed with us the entire time. Once A found his friends, we didn't see much of him unless he was thirsty. We all went to get some lemonade and cookies together and then decided to take a family photo with the photographer there. The pictures will be developed and sent home with students later this month.
The PTO that planned the dance did a great job and there was a hula hoop contest for students and parents. I came in second next to the principal. E was the cutest thing out there, dancing the cha cha slide. I saw some high school volunteers watching her dance and taking pictures of her. She pretty much stole the show.
When the dance was over, I took the kids home and B stayed to help break things down and clean-up. He doesn't have a chance to volunteer very often so this was his chance to help out with the PTO and the school. It was a great evening and just another reminder how God's plans surpass our own, because a year ago, we were considering renting the house in Alief again, but God knew better. I'm so glad He knows what's best for me and I'm not left up to making all the decisions for my family without his guidance and grace.
We ate dinner together at home before getting ready. The boys wanted to wear their matching "red lobster" clothes and we found out that A's clothes are a bit too short. His shirt was too short on his arms so we rolled his sleeves up. W's clothes still fit him pretty well. R wore her Christmas dress and E decided she wanted to wear her tutu. I'm not sure where or how that idea came to her, but we agreed and she requested her hair be put in a ballerina bun. I wore my new LSU dress and B work a nice button up shirt and sports coat. We all looked pretty nice if I do say so myself.
The dance was pretty crowded but after getting inside, we danced a few songs as a family before A wanted to go off with his friends. R danced with some friends, but always stayed pretty close to us and W/E stayed with us the entire time. Once A found his friends, we didn't see much of him unless he was thirsty. We all went to get some lemonade and cookies together and then decided to take a family photo with the photographer there. The pictures will be developed and sent home with students later this month.
The PTO that planned the dance did a great job and there was a hula hoop contest for students and parents. I came in second next to the principal. E was the cutest thing out there, dancing the cha cha slide. I saw some high school volunteers watching her dance and taking pictures of her. She pretty much stole the show.
When the dance was over, I took the kids home and B stayed to help break things down and clean-up. He doesn't have a chance to volunteer very often so this was his chance to help out with the PTO and the school. It was a great evening and just another reminder how God's plans surpass our own, because a year ago, we were considering renting the house in Alief again, but God knew better. I'm so glad He knows what's best for me and I'm not left up to making all the decisions for my family without his guidance and grace.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
10 Year Anniversary
10 years is a big wedding anniversary. The traditional 10th anniversary gift is tin/aluminum and the modern gift is diamond jewelry. We decided to celebrate our 10th with vacationing with our BFF's on a Carribean Cruise in June so for now, we just stayed low key with a free movie and people watching at the mall.
Our anniversary was on a Thursday so we treated ourselves to Starbucks before school/work. B had to work like normal and I had a day at home like usual. Aunt Mo took us to Canes for lunch and that was a special time spending it with her and remembering our wedding from her perspective.
Mom and Chuck were coming into town for a Sea World trip so I cooked a pork roast and veggies for dinner. We planned to do something together on Friday since we would have baby-sitters and B has off. We went to an afternoon movie to see Specter courtesy of CBS with the AMC gift cards they gave B for Christmas 2014. We even had some concessions credit so we got a popcorn and coke to share. The movie was really good even for me who knows nothing about the James Bond storyline. We weren't hungry after eating all the popcorn so we went to the mall to people watch. I love to people watch and I don't get to do it very often because I have to watch my own little people all the time. We joked and laughed a lot and also got nervous about when our girls are teenagers and how they plan to dress when they leave the house. oh my word!
Oh how I love my husband more today than in 2005 when we got married. We often talk about how the last 10 years have flown by and we've had the best time being together. We haven't dealt with a lot of tragedy or conflict in our marriage, but when the time comes, I believe we have the skills and knowledge to deal with them together. We've been a part of many marriage studies and learned a lot about Love and Respect. We know each other very well and I worry sometimes about B getting bored. I pray daily for him and our marriage. We've studied Ephesians chapter 5 a bunch and we will continue to do so to strengthen our marriage. I'm thankful for my husband and the leader he is for our family. I'm forever grateful and praise the Lord that He brought us together.
Our anniversary was on a Thursday so we treated ourselves to Starbucks before school/work. B had to work like normal and I had a day at home like usual. Aunt Mo took us to Canes for lunch and that was a special time spending it with her and remembering our wedding from her perspective.
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December 10, 2005 |
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Anniversary Lunch at Canes December 10, 2015 |
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People watching at First Colony Mall |
Sea World Christmas
Getting an annual pass to Seal World proved to be more than worth it for our family. We rounded out the year with 5 trips to San Antonio and enjoyed each one. We should be payed by Sea World as advertisement because our family loved it so much. We heard that Sea World was decorated for Christmas, so we planned a trip with Gram and Granddad in December. They arrived in Houston on December 10th and we drove to Sea World on December 12th. Sea World opened at 3 pm and we were there at 3:15 ready for the day.
The weather was perfect-perfectly warm but not what you typically think of for December and Christmas. The different parts of Sea World were decorated with different themes and our favorite part was the 'Joy to the World' section. There was a life size nativity and a musical group singing Christmas carols and sharing the Luke 2 Story.
We went to Pets Ahoy again and there was a Christmas spin on the lovable pet show too. Even the Shamu show was Christmas themed and fun. One thing that impressed us was that Sea World was very much pro-Christmas and not Happy Holidays. It caught us by surprised and we were very happy about it indeed.
We finally got back to the hotel around 10 pm and everyone went to bed. Sunday morning we all filled up on the yummy breakfast at the hotel and then Gram and Granddad took the kids swimming in the indoor pool. B and I worked out for 30 minutes to let the grandparents have some time. We drove back to Houston and then headed to Awana Sunday evening.
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inside Pets Ahoy |
The weather was perfect-perfectly warm but not what you typically think of for December and Christmas. The different parts of Sea World were decorated with different themes and our favorite part was the 'Joy to the World' section. There was a life size nativity and a musical group singing Christmas carols and sharing the Luke 2 Story.
We went to Pets Ahoy again and there was a Christmas spin on the lovable pet show too. Even the Shamu show was Christmas themed and fun. One thing that impressed us was that Sea World was very much pro-Christmas and not Happy Holidays. It caught us by surprised and we were very happy about it indeed.
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Coca Cola Lane |
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Azul decorations |
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Saxophone entertainment before Shamu |
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Peppermint Alley |
We finally got back to the hotel around 10 pm and everyone went to bed. Sunday morning we all filled up on the yummy breakfast at the hotel and then Gram and Granddad took the kids swimming in the indoor pool. B and I worked out for 30 minutes to let the grandparents have some time. We drove back to Houston and then headed to Awana Sunday evening.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Thanksgiving 2015
Thanksgiving this year was a Hantla holiday so the plan was to celebrate at the Marsh pad in Katy, TX. Paul & Vicki flew into Houston on the Monday before Thanksgiving and stayed with us. I picked them up from the airport because B had some papers to edit. Vicki came with me to the kids' school for the Kindergarten feast for A and she was very helpful. Paul stayed at home with E and W during rest time. B had to work, so we didn't see him until later anyways.
Tuesday night we ate dinner at home and then Wednesday the kids were off from school so I spent the morning cooking and Gran & Papaw spent time with the kids, playing. We met Anna for lunch at Panera Bread in Katy, and then P/V went with her from there. E seemed to not be feeling herself, and she had a low grade fever, so I knew it was important for her to get a nap. We debated about going to the Marsh house Wednesday night or waiting til Thursday but everyone said that they didn't care about E's fever. So it was late, like 9 pm, but we made it to Katy, and put our kids to bed.
We woke up Thursday and had a chill morning. It was nice to not have to go anywhere or do anything. I think we ate Thanksgiving Dinner around 2 pm and it was delicious. I can't even remember all we had, but I remember the turkey, ham, sweet potato casserole, and mash potatoes. After eating the meal, before dessert, we played Amazing Race Hantla style. B and I have always coordinated family games for the holidays and this year was no different. I planned each task and put together teams of 2 for the Amazing Race. Ell and Aunt Mo won (but not really), and I think the true winners were Uncle Marcus and Wes. Everyone said they had a good time and unfortunately I don't have any pictures. P/V helped B and I to judge and pass out the clues. We even had a pit stop so we could set up more of the challenges. It was cloudy and sprinkled a little bit, but that didn't stop anyone from trying their hardest. After the Amazing race, we went for round 2 of eating and dessert. The kids went to bed pretty much around 8:30 and then the adults stayed up watching football or maybe a movie. I can't remember, but I'm sure I fell asleep either way.
Friday morning came early and I woke up with the kids and got cereal for everyone. B made it down stairs shortly after. We all went to the elementary school mid-morning to play and get outside since it wasn't raining anymore and that was the best decision. The kids played on the play ground, and we even got a soccer game started. B, Kinsey, and I played against Marcus, Ethan, and Lauren. After soccer, we got almost the whole family together for a kickball game, and it was equally as fun excited my team lost. It was really nice to play outside.
We headed back to the Marsh pad for lunch, and then our crew headed home because B had some papers to edit, and we needed to get R to Faith's house for the sleepover. Faith had asked if R could spend the night and she had a surprise for R too. Faith was giving R one of her American Girl Dolls and we knew that R would love that gift. R had been saving up for a My Life Doll (Wal-mart's version of American Girl), so we knew that she would be excited. After we dropped R off with Faith, we met the family at the Zoo for the Zoo Lights. It was planned for Friday night and the weather held off until we left (11:00 pm) so we praised God for the good weather since rain was in the forecast for all night. It was strange only having 3 kids to look out for instead of 4, but we all had a good time. It was a super LATE night, and I think the kids finally got into bed around 11:45. Needless to say, we were TIRED.
Saturday, Rin was returned to us, and we got Lil' Joe because Faith had opera. We met back up with the cousins at Katy Mills Mall to see a movie. The kids all went to see the Good Dinosaur, and the adults went to see Mockingjay Part 2. It was a good movie and bless Vicki for going with all the kids to see The Good Dinosaur. We ate left overs at the Marsh Pad again before the OU game. We headed home after the OU game and put the kids to bed.
Sunday was spent re-grouping and decorating the house for Christmas.
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The only picture I took, but they all looked adorable. |
Tuesday night we ate dinner at home and then Wednesday the kids were off from school so I spent the morning cooking and Gran & Papaw spent time with the kids, playing. We met Anna for lunch at Panera Bread in Katy, and then P/V went with her from there. E seemed to not be feeling herself, and she had a low grade fever, so I knew it was important for her to get a nap. We debated about going to the Marsh house Wednesday night or waiting til Thursday but everyone said that they didn't care about E's fever. So it was late, like 9 pm, but we made it to Katy, and put our kids to bed.
We woke up Thursday and had a chill morning. It was nice to not have to go anywhere or do anything. I think we ate Thanksgiving Dinner around 2 pm and it was delicious. I can't even remember all we had, but I remember the turkey, ham, sweet potato casserole, and mash potatoes. After eating the meal, before dessert, we played Amazing Race Hantla style. B and I have always coordinated family games for the holidays and this year was no different. I planned each task and put together teams of 2 for the Amazing Race. Ell and Aunt Mo won (but not really), and I think the true winners were Uncle Marcus and Wes. Everyone said they had a good time and unfortunately I don't have any pictures. P/V helped B and I to judge and pass out the clues. We even had a pit stop so we could set up more of the challenges. It was cloudy and sprinkled a little bit, but that didn't stop anyone from trying their hardest. After the Amazing race, we went for round 2 of eating and dessert. The kids went to bed pretty much around 8:30 and then the adults stayed up watching football or maybe a movie. I can't remember, but I'm sure I fell asleep either way.
Friday morning came early and I woke up with the kids and got cereal for everyone. B made it down stairs shortly after. We all went to the elementary school mid-morning to play and get outside since it wasn't raining anymore and that was the best decision. The kids played on the play ground, and we even got a soccer game started. B, Kinsey, and I played against Marcus, Ethan, and Lauren. After soccer, we got almost the whole family together for a kickball game, and it was equally as fun excited my team lost. It was really nice to play outside.
We headed back to the Marsh pad for lunch, and then our crew headed home because B had some papers to edit, and we needed to get R to Faith's house for the sleepover. Faith had asked if R could spend the night and she had a surprise for R too. Faith was giving R one of her American Girl Dolls and we knew that R would love that gift. R had been saving up for a My Life Doll (Wal-mart's version of American Girl), so we knew that she would be excited. After we dropped R off with Faith, we met the family at the Zoo for the Zoo Lights. It was planned for Friday night and the weather held off until we left (11:00 pm) so we praised God for the good weather since rain was in the forecast for all night. It was strange only having 3 kids to look out for instead of 4, but we all had a good time. It was a super LATE night, and I think the kids finally got into bed around 11:45. Needless to say, we were TIRED.
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Papaw surprised us with a ginger bread man to decorate |
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group selfie |
Saturday, Rin was returned to us, and we got Lil' Joe because Faith had opera. We met back up with the cousins at Katy Mills Mall to see a movie. The kids all went to see the Good Dinosaur, and the adults went to see Mockingjay Part 2. It was a good movie and bless Vicki for going with all the kids to see The Good Dinosaur. We ate left overs at the Marsh Pad again before the OU game. We headed home after the OU game and put the kids to bed.
Sunday was spent re-grouping and decorating the house for Christmas.
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B made this wreath for the door |
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New basket and smell-good pine cones |
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Ell's decorating spot |
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