A's teeth are so small. He grinds them while he sleeps, but they are just tiny to begin with. We kept asking him if any of he teeth were loose because we knew that usually kids start losing teeth in Kindergarten. A didn't lose any and didn't appear to have any loose teeth. Well one day while we were at the mall, A said he felt like he had food in his mouth and couldn't figure out what he was feeling. R looked in his mouth to help him out and said "A, you have a tooth" and that was the first time we noticed that he had a tooth behind his bottom row.
extra shark tooth |
crazy long rat tail that A loves |
first tooth lost 8/31/16 |
First tooth pulled in 1st grade |
The dentist said the baby tooth was loose but would need to be pulled if it didn't come out soon on it's own. We made A wiggle it every night. Finally, it came out Wednesday August 31, while we were eating dinner at church before Bible study. A let B pull it and it didn't take much effort. A got a visit from the tooth fairy and got $1 for his first baby tooth.
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