Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pine Cove Camp in the City

We've heard tons of great things about Pine Cove Camps and a lot of families we know go to Pine Cove Family Camp.  It's Christian based and always point everything back to the Gospel.  Pine Cove Camp in the City is a little piece of Pine Cove brought to different cities.  Sugar Creek Baptist Church usually hosts a week every summer but this was our first summer to sign our kids up.  Since W just finished Kinder, he was older enough to attend.  We applied for scholarships and made our kids pay some of their own money, so it didn't break the bank (well not totally). It was so worth it though for 5 days of faith and fun. 

R's counselor was Rink (Pretty in Rink) and it was her first year as a counselor. 

A & W were in the same group with Apple T (Apple Turnover). 

They all had a blast and want to do it again next summer.  

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