Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Rin's talent show

My oldest daughter is definitely half of B (maybe even a little more) and I know this because she has this gene, this performing gene inside her naturally.  When R heard of her school's talent show, she immediately signed up and thought about what she wanted to sing for days.  She finally landed on "How Far I'll Go" from Moana and so she practiced everyday.  We found a karaoke version on youtube and downloaded it to a CD so we all practiced while driving in the van.  She printed the words and even re-wrote them to help her memorize the song.  I'm so proud of all the hard work she put into this performance.   Her talent show was during the day at Williams Elementary.  Gran and Papaw were actually in town (for the what reason I don't remember) so they got to see her perform also.  B even took a day off of work and surprised her by showing up too.  I pulled A out of lunch because the cafeteria is right beside the gym so he could watch her, and then he quickly returned.  It was a lot of fun and she did great. 

The video is too long to upload but here's the youtube link:

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