I was quite surprised we even had a spring break this year with 9 snow days. The school year was extended but our spring break preserved. I was very excited about spring break for two reasons: 1) staying home with my kids the entire week and 2) LASIK eye surgery.
The beginning of my spring break started with a Team Cobra dinner at Chris B's house. He invited us over for BBQ pork and sides along with chips and dessert. He said he cooked the pork in the oven first then shredded it before mixing with BBQ sauce. Everything tasted great. I always enjoy spending time with my team outside of school. M & M were there and Michelle's pregnant belly is so cute. She's about 27 weeks with twins but is measuring 31 weeks as just 1 baby. She's still coaching lacrosse and Michael helps her. Linda brought Sebastian with her because she waited at his house for his furniture to be delivered. Chris, Mike, Linda and I get along so well and this has probably been my second favorite teaching year (the first being with Rachel, Mike and Anne M). Saturday dinner was fun and then lead into Sunday with church and afternoon rest time.
My spring break consisted of hanging out with friends during the days, the parks/playgrounds, my eye consultation and lasik surgery, and small group/awana like normal. I tried to take pictures to document, but I didn't catch everything. Bree turned 3 on Thursday and I got to keep her for a few house and celebrate her birthday. I also had my eye surgery on Friday. B drove me up there and worked in the waiting room. I finished around 2:30 pm and he drove home. I was pretty useless the rest of the day/night. I took a sleeping pill around 6 and I didn't wake up until Saturday morning.
day 1 of spring break |
day 2 of spring break: summer hair cuts |
Each morning before we started our schedule, I took the time to read the Bible to the kids at the breakfast table. I really enjoyed it and I think by the end of the week, they liked it too. They wanted me to read their story book Bible with pictures and kid-friendly language. I just wanted to ready my Bible to them for a change. I had the idea of trying to start having Bible Study with my kids when we actually take a passage and study it. I think R & A are old enough to do that except A can't read yet. But the story they learned in church about Mary and Martha grabbed their interest so I read it to them again. They really liked it. For the rest of the day, they would say to me (and each other), are you being a Martha or Mary? Very cute.
Day 3 of spring break: back yard time |
Day 4 of spring break: Bree Bree's 3rd birthday |
Last day of spring break: enjoying an Oreo treat! |
One thing I'm particular proud of is that we didn't eat out ANY during the week of spring break accept Friday. B and I picked up something on our way to Greensboro for the surgery and then Friday evening, B picked up a hot n ready pizza because I was knocked out and he was exhausted too. I think in years past, we would have eaten out almost every day during spring break, but this year we didn't. I think we have Dave Ramsey to thank for that and is saves us money.
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