Monday, August 18, 2014

Rin's 6th Birthday

Celebrating R's birthday is going to be different this year.  For the first time, we aren't in NC and she will not be with her 'friends'.  We have a plan though and I think she'll like it.

R's been asking to get her ears pierced and we told her that we would buy them for her on her birthday.  So she waited and on Thursday, B got off work a little early so we could head to the mall.  All of the older girl cousins (A, K, L) have their ears pierced and so does Bella and Lexi.  I figured R would eventually want to get hers done too.  We went to Claire's in the Memorial City Mall.  When we got there, there were 2 girls in front of R so R got to watch other people go first.  I think it was good for her to see the process.  The first little girl took it and barely flinched.  The second little girl was a bit more vocal about it hurting and didn't want to get the second one after the first.   She managed with the help of her mother and then it was R's turn.  R was ready and had been read for a while.  She talked to the lady getting ready asking what all she was doing.  I love how R doesn't shy away from adults.  She's very good at making conversation. 

I stood with R while B and the littles stayed outside.  They could watch her through the window so it was like we were all there.  She was brave and I was so proud.  She got cute little crystal daisy flowers.  After the ears, we headed to the Marsh home for pizza and swimming.  Things went very smoothly for the rest of the evening.  R was able to spend the night with the cousins since she was the birthday girl.  We went Friday and picked her up and swam again.  All in all I think it was a fun day. 

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