Thursday, August 28, 2014

Our Houston Summer

Our first 3 weeks in Houston were such a whirlwind that it didn't feel like we really lived here.  We stayed at Anna's house for the first week and then after moving in, we went to College Station for the weekend of the 4th, then one week later, we left for civitan camp in Mississippi. After camp, we finally had time to settle in.  The first day back, I didn't leave the house.  It was a long day!  After Bryce got home, we went to the YMCA together and joined.  I was excited about this because it gave me a place to exercise, swim, and had childcare too.  The following day was Friday, so B had off.  Our plans were to go exercise and then get our drivers licenses.  We went to the Y and then swam together.  As we were leaving, we were given lunch from the YMCA.  Apparently there was a program for kids ages 1-18 that included free breakfast and free lunch all summer.  So we got 4 bagged lunches that included a pb&j sandwich, celery, string cheese and chocolate milk.  It was enough food for all of us to be satisfied.  Instead of getting our licenses, we found out we had to get car tags first so that changed our plans.  We just went home (I think) but I can't remember the rest of the time.  All I know is that we started going to the YMCA daily.

swimming at the Y
The next week I ventured to the public library and got a library card.  I went one morning after exercising at the Y so it maybe have been around 11:30.  After registering for a card and checking out some books, we were leaving.  R had to use the restroom, so we were waiting for her.  While standing in the hallway, a woman came up to me and said "are you here for the movie and lunch?  It's free" and I answers, "sure I am!"  R came out of the restroom and we headed into the activity room.  About 10 picnic blankets were on the ground, so the kids sat at one, and E was in the stroller.

I found a chair along the wall pretty close to the kids.  Volunteers passed out box lunches and inside, the kids had a hot dog, orange, raisins, and  chocolate milk.  Again, the kids ate it all and watched Peter Pan until 1:00.  That's when they pretty much kicked us out to set up for game time.  We left for the house, but I realized that both the YMCA and the Alief Library, provided lunch for kids 1-18.  This gave me some interesting thoughts about the area in which we currently live.
one of the books W checked out

R going to STREAM camp at the library

We found a playground that has a spider web like WF

After that day, I would sort of plan my lunch times around either the YMCA or the library.  We also participated in game time at the library once or twice.  There were DS's that could be played, Wii games, dance dance 4, and Mario Kart.  They also had arts and crafts, coloring, and blocks for E to play with.  I assume their goals was to provide activities for kids during the summer to keep them engaged and out of trouble or keep them from being home all day alone.  Either way, I appreciated it and thought it was great. I hope this doesn't come across negative when I read it later, but in both places (Y and library) we are the only white people there.  Another observation of our area.  It doesn't bother us, and the kids don't notice...but I notice.  It doesn't stop me from going to either place and trying to settle, but it's just the reality of our environment.  R's school's demographic is less than 1% white.  70% is Hispanic with 20% black and 9% Asian.  Again, it doesn't matter at all.  It's just interesting about our area.  The people have been so nice though, especially our neighbors.  Mr. Danny and his family have invited us over twice already.  He's had a birthday party for his wife Cira and his grandson's first.  We've gone both times and each time enjoyed ourselves.

Now that summer is coming to an end, R is in school and the free meals have stopped.  We haven't stopped going to the Y and the library though.  The 3 that I have enjoy going to both.  We usually venture out in the morning time and get back home for lunch and rest.  E usually naps from 1:30-4:00.  I've joined a MOPs group and it's first meeting was yesterday.  I'm looking forward to that new group and meeting other mom's who are in a similar life stage as me.  It should be fun. 

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