Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Years 2014-2015

New Year's Eve was so much fun this year.  We usually have fun on NYE, but being with just the siblings was pretty awesome.  B's parents flew home NYE during the day so only the 4 sibs plus spouses were going to be together at the Marsh House.  We all gathered during the afternoon sometime and cooked dinner together, while the kids swam.  We had a taco bar for dinner that included both hard shells and tortillas with beef and chicken and all the sides you could imagine.  Mandy made delicious puppy chow and these other pretzel/rolo/M&M snacks that were addictive.  I know I was WAY over my calorie count!  The expectations were very laid back and just to have the kids in bed by about 9 pm so the adults could have the night together.  After dinner, the entire family played Just Dance on the Wii.
  The dad's went first and sang That's What Makes you Beautiful by One Direction and Livin' La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin as well as Eye of the Tiger and maybe some others.  The kids loved watching the daddies perform.  The mommies danced as well but only to 2 songs and then the boy and girl cousins took turns.  I laughed so hard and it was so much fun!  We put the littles to bed (E and Asher) and then let the older kids stay up and watch a Madagascar Countdown to the New Year. They all got a cup of Sparkling Grape Juice to toast and then we put them all to bed.


Once the children were in bed and pass out, we adults enjoyed cheese and chocolate fondue.  Jaime and Anna got it all set up with bread, apples, cauliflower, marshmallows, strawberries and I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting. I wasn't even hungry, but I kept eating and eating.  I definitely thought about the times I've been with B to the melting pot and I think I'd like to go again for our next anniversary.  I'm sure there are a dozen here in Houston and we've got a whole year to plan.  After fondue, 6 of got into the hot tub for a nice cozy ringing in of the year new.  We watched fireworks from a few streets over and talked/laughed together about anything and everything.  It was so nice to have uninterrupted (sort of) adult time. I think we finally went inside around 12:45 am and I know I was in bed asleep by 1:15.  So long were exciting.

New Years Day started around 7:30 for my kids.  B had to leave to run home for Cooper since no one was dog sitting.  I fed my 4 breakfast and they were watching TV and playing Wii waiting for others to wake up.  After a little while, most of the family was awake and the children wanted to swim.  We let our 3 bigs get in the pool, but not E because it was just too cold.  E had some good adult interaction while inside with all of us.  The kids always have a blast swimming and I'm so grateful that they can swim without floaties.  I have a peace about them swimming without me watching every single minute, plus, I know the other cousins are fantastic swimmers as well.  We ate lunch and then headed back to our house after lunch time.  We had had a great time, but needed to get home to Cooper and back to our neck of the woods.  We had to do some cleaning because my parents were coming in the next day to celebrate their anniversary with us. 

As I reflect on 2014, I'd have to say the move to TX was by far the most challenging and memorable event.  I had such a tough time leaving my life in NC.  I was tempted so many times to resent B for this decision and uprooting me and the family for his job.  I try to give any of those feelings up to the Lord because I know they are deceiving emotions.  I also know B was sad to leave OUR life but he was excited about starting OUR new life in TX.  Six month after the move, I'm doing good.  The kids are great and enjoy it here.  I still get sad sometimes and I have my weak moments when I cry because I miss my friends, my church, and my school.  However, we are blessed.  I can't complain about anything because now I can stay home with my children and raise them.  I get to eat lunch with R at school and with B at work.  I can clean my house, do the dishes and laundry, and watch soap operas (if I wanted to).  There's so much flexibility with being a stay-at-home mommy!  I see the perks and benefits and understand why so many moms want and desire the opportunity.  This won't be the last time we move and now I know that God will provide and is in control.

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