Thursday, February 5, 2015

Roller Skate Outing

I've finally made a friend.  Her name is Erica and she's a mom from my MOPs group.  We met the first meeting and since she was a familiar face, I sat next to her our second meeting and we just hit it off.  She's got 2 kids: Hannah is 4 (Abe's school age) and Aaron is 2 (between W and E).  Her kids are very well behaved and I believe we have common parenting goals.  I first noticed how she made her kids stay seated while eating a picnic lunch one day after MOPs in the courtyard.  There were 4 of us together and 2 moms let their kids get down and run around while eating, but Erica and I both made our kids eat first before getting down.  It wasn't a big deal and I'm not sure anyone else noticed, but I definitely did (since it's a pet peeve of ours).  After that, I told B that I think there was potential for us to be friends.  I asked him if I could host a play-date and he said 'go for it'.  This was in November and I invited Erica and her 2 kids, over to play and eat lunch with us after a storytime.  She accepted and it was a really nice time together.  Since then, we've eating at Chickfila together after MOPs, met at parks and playgrounds, and her entire family came over for the super bowl.  I'm so happy to finally have a friend!  But this post is supposed to be about roller skating, which has to do with Erica. 

So on Fridays, the Dairy Ashford Rollar Rink has toddler skate time, where kids can skate and/or push strollers and riding toys/scooters.  Since R was off from school, I decided to take my four on Friday, January 2nd.  B needed to do some school work, so he stayed home.  I met Erica there are our kids had a great time.  R stayed on her skates most of the time, but A and W took them off 5 minutes into it.  I wasn't surprised though.  W rode his tricycle around, and A mostly rode his scooter.  E had a blast just running around and pushing a little stroller.  Another mom from MOPs, Jenny, came, but she wasn't there for very long. 

Abe with Hannah

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