Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Soccer Fun and Creole Festival

I must admit that I'm totally embracing this soccer mom thing.  I love watching my kids play soccer on Saturday morning and cheering on all the other players with proud parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  It's been fun spending our Saturday mornings playing indoor soccer.  Spring sport sign-ups are now, so B and I will have to decide if/what we will sign the kids up for.  We have enjoyed this winter soccer season and the kids have liked it too.

Last Saturday, February 7th, was a creole festival in Houston.  We wanted to check it out since it's the Mardi Gras season, and Lorenzo came with us.  I must say that we were disappointed with the 'Creole' part of it.  By the time we got there, we had missed the parade, but there also wasn't any food left.  I think there were only 3 food booths to start with and one was Chinese food.  We ended up eating at the cafe which wasn't creole, but it was still good.  We walked around for a bit, but left, feeling unsatisfied.  We look forward to eating our King Cake from granddad more than ever!

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