Friday, October 28, 2016

Meet the Teacher

I for one was excited about returning to the same school for a second year in a row.  I know R expressed that she was a little tired of going to a new school 3 years in a row so she was happy also.

W was starting Kindergarten and had meet the teacher on Wednesday August 17th.  He was very excited and to say ready is quite the understatement.  He's been ready for Kinder for quite some time.  We all took him to the orientation and listened to all the K teachers talk about things we needed to know for Kinder.  We remembered most of the items from A's Kindergarten year but it was good for W to hear things. 

After the opening session with everyone, we were released to go to the rooms and meet the teachers.  We found W's classroom and his desk and met Mrs. Volz.  She had been a 2nd grade teacher the year before, so R knew her, but she was new to the rest of us. 

R & A had their meet the teacher on Friday August 19th.  There was no orientation or information session, just a meet and greet.  We went to A's classroom first and met Mrs. Huseman.  A found out that Brayton and Cameron were in his class again this year (both boys from his K class).  Mrs. Huseman is his math/Sci/SS teacher and Mrs. Williams is his ELA/Writing teacher.  R's homeroom teacher is Mrs. Keller and she's got several friends from last year too.  Her ELA/Writing teacher is out on maternity leave but should return to class in November.  Mrs. Ortega is her maternity sub and seems to be very nice. 

We are very excited about a great year at Williams Elementary School. 

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