Well it's not my "new" job anymore. I've been working at Logos Prep for 10 weeks now and I love it. I have missed teaching so much and didn't realize it until getting back in the classroom.
Last spring (April), B and I talked about me getting a job at a public school now that W was going into Kindergarten and E would be the only one at home. I applied at LCISD and had an interview at Reading Jr. High. I met with the principal there and the interview went great. He did not have any math openings and I consider that a good thing when all the math teachers are returning to the school. At least I took the time to meet him and I'll be on his radar for future openings. After my interview at Reading, I had two interviews at The Saint Constantine School, in Houston. It's a new private school opening up and they are renting space from CBS. After the second interview, I heard from them that their enrollment was not at as high as they were expecting so they were pausing all hiring for the time being. I didn't get a great feeling from those interviews, plus, it was a classical education and I have no experience with that. I was sharing at my MOPs table about my prayer request for job searching and praying for guidance to follow God's will of staying home again for another year or going back to work. Denise, my mentor mom, suggested I apply online at Logo's. She said it wouldn't hurt and if they had a position open, someone would contact me. So I did. I filled out the application online and then didn't really think about it until late in April I got an email about an interview. I went in and had the first interview with Tammy (head of school) and Carol (math department chair). The interview went very well and before I got home after the interview, I had an email for a second interview. The second interview was scheduled for the following week (while Ashley K and Jonathan were visiting) and I met with Coach Pennye (athletic director) and Jason (AP and 8th grade teacher). The position was for the 8th grade math teacher and it was part time and consisted of 3 classes per day for 3 days a week. I learned the history of Logos and their mission and model. They are a University Model School which was a new concept for me. I found it very interesting and the more I learned, the more I felt like a flipped classroom would work great with a UMS. Plus, the job was only part time and I could still get the kids to school and I'd be home before they got off the bus. The only question was what would Ell do while I taught. They emailed me and offered me the job after 2 days and also wanted me to coach soccer. I politely declined a coaching job this year simply because of the kids and not wanting to over commit. I do enjoy coaching and hope to coach again, but just not now. We called around a found 1 spot open at Sugar Creek's preschool for MWF. The times didn't work out perfectly but we stepped out in faith and I accepted the job. I was excited and nervous. After not working for 2 years I had gotten comfortable with my stay at home job. My gut feeling was that staying home with only Ell might not fulfill either of us in the way the previous 2 years had been. I feel bad saying that, but she likes to play with others and I missed teaching. God answered my prayers and I got a job at Logos Prep Academy.
So now that it's October, I've been working there for 12 weeks and I really like it. It took me a good 3 weeks to adjust but once I got the groove of things, I've really liked it. There are some differences than public school, starting with I only work 3 days a week, but many others too. I'll have to blog again about my experiences, but for now, this has been a great blessing for me and our family. Thanks be to God.
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