Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Bunny Time

One of our family traditions is to take a picture with the Easter Bunny every year.   The first 2 pictures were taken in Hattiesburg, and last year was taken in Raleigh.  2009 was just R, 2010 & 2011 were R & A, and 2012 R, A, and W.  The kids did great.  I was a little worried about how A would react.  He wasn't 'scared' of Santa, but was definitely weary.  I figured he would be hesitant and we might only get a picture with R & W.  They all did great though.

R of course, took charge and ran up to him with a big smile.  She was super excited and loved all the Easter decorations.  A followed behind, a little nervous, but was fine.  He gave the bunny a high five and then climbed on the bench.  W wasn't really sure of what was going on, and instead of letting the bunny hold him, I placed W on the bench as well.  The kids are in order by age and it's cute. 

Since we normally tavel for Easter, we haven't established a tradition of waking up to an Easter Basket or anything.  My parents and AC both got the kids an Easter gift that the kids opened today.  R got a Minney Mouse outfit and princess Go Fish cards.  A got a McQueen personalize jacket and Cars Memory game.  W got a cute soccer outfit. 

Here is the progression of Easter Bunny pictures from the past 4 years.
Easter 2009
 Easter 2010
 Easter 2011
 Easter 2012

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