Sunday, May 27, 2012
Show me your muscles!
W has started this thing where he puts both his hands up, makes a fist, and grunts. We call it showing his muscles. I've been trying to get a video of all the kids doing it, but when I pull out the camera, someone will not cooperate! Here's the best one I have so far...
While inside Walmart, we could hear the rain and when we walked outside to leave, we saw the rainbow. It was very pretty and bright. Both R & A saw it and were able to name the colors. It reminds me of God's covenant with Noah...
7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.”
8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”
7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.”
8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Playing in the Rain
Tuesday afternoon we got some rain. W was sleeping so we let R & A play outside in the rain. They had a great time and B even got to teach them about how depth affects swiftness of current. Here's a video.
Root Root Root for the Home Team!
Our busy weekend last weekend concluded with a Durham Bull's Baseball Game. AJE set up a social outing for B's team and they picked a baseball game. B & I have been to a couple, but not very many. We enjoy outings like this, but don't go out of our way to plan them. After a church picnic, we let the kids sleep in cherry and we made our way to Durham. Even I took a short nap on the way out there. The seats were great and the weather was awesome. We couldn't have asked for a better atmosphere for the game. The Bulls played Charlotte's team and won 6-0. For baseball, it was very exciting. Our family had 4 seats so W sat in my lap most of the time. R & A sat with B most of the time as well, so we ended up only taking up 2 seats.
There were 5 couples total. Our Hantla Clan, plus the woman who organized it and her hubby and 2 kids, another couple with 1 girl named Annabel, a married couple expecting their first child, and an engaged couple expecting their first child. I don't remember everyone's name and B is asleep still so I can't ask him. B returns to 75% at AJE this coming week. This past semester he was only 25% due to teaching classes and taking classes. Over the summer at least, he'll be 75% at AJE until we find out if he'll teach any classes at SEBTS. Right now he's scheduled to teach one. I'm sure he will receive a call over the summer with more opportunities for him to teach.
Several HR were hit so we saw the bull's eyes get red and his tail move |
player that played for the Yankees at one time |
I'm not sure where R is when this picture was taken. I promise we had a great time! |
There were 5 couples total. Our Hantla Clan, plus the woman who organized it and her hubby and 2 kids, another couple with 1 girl named Annabel, a married couple expecting their first child, and an engaged couple expecting their first child. I don't remember everyone's name and B is asleep still so I can't ask him. B returns to 75% at AJE this coming week. This past semester he was only 25% due to teaching classes and taking classes. Over the summer at least, he'll be 75% at AJE until we find out if he'll teach any classes at SEBTS. Right now he's scheduled to teach one. I'm sure he will receive a call over the summer with more opportunities for him to teach.
Long time no see....
I grew up with soccer friends from both Hattiesburg and Oak Grove. I played select soccer, rec soccer, and school soccer. Two of the friends I played with at OG were Whitney Long and Jamie Rahaim. Whitney was a year older than me, but we played together for six or seven years. Jamie was my age and we played soccer on the same team throughout high school. Our families knew each other because Oak Grove was a pretty small town.
Well about 8 months ago, Reagyn and Austin Rahaim moved to Wilson, NC. Reagyn is Whitney's older sister and Austin is Jamie's older brother. They have been married for a few years (my parents went to their wedding in MS) and have one son named Landon that's 14 months old. She's due in September with a little girl! They were trying out Wilson for a while with a potential orthodontist practice that Austin was considering buying. We decided to meet up with them on Saturday for a trip to Marbles Kid's Museum. We love this Museum and our kids always have a blast. We decided it would be worth it to buy a membership for $100/year. The cost is $5/person so our family cost is $25 now that Wes is one. We paid $100 and now we can go for free for an entire year. Pretty sweet if you ask me.
We got there right at 9 and the Rahaim family arrived a little after. The museum was pretty empty so our kids got free reign for a while. W isn't exactly walking great so he had a difficult time keeping up with R & A. W actually fell at one point and when he sat up, he had a bloody nose. That's the first time we have encountered a bloody nose. B says it surely won't be the last with 2 boys in the house. The kids loved it. Landon had a ball also and I had a good time catching up with Reagyn. Since I was really friends with Whitney, we had moments of silence, but we managed to keep the conversation flowing smoothly most of the time. Reagyn says she stays at home, and in a new city, she's having a hard time making friends. She's joined a mom's group, but says the ladies are very clickish. Here are a few pics from our time at Marbles.
We played at Marbles from 9-12:30 and all got hungry. The original plan was to go eat at McAlister's Deli, but outside the museum was an art festival with food, games, art, and other booths around Moore Square. B saw a gyro booth, and wanted to just eat there. Austin agreed so we walked around until we found a few food booths close together. We all ordered our food and then found some shade under a tree. After eating, the kids played in the grassy area for a while while the adults talked. We all parted ways around 2:15 after a busy busy morning. Our kids napped from 3-6 pm that afternoon. I didn't get any pictures of the Rahaim family on my camera, but I know B and Reagyn did on their phones. Here's our family picture from lunch on Saturday.
Well about 8 months ago, Reagyn and Austin Rahaim moved to Wilson, NC. Reagyn is Whitney's older sister and Austin is Jamie's older brother. They have been married for a few years (my parents went to their wedding in MS) and have one son named Landon that's 14 months old. She's due in September with a little girl! They were trying out Wilson for a while with a potential orthodontist practice that Austin was considering buying. We decided to meet up with them on Saturday for a trip to Marbles Kid's Museum. We love this Museum and our kids always have a blast. We decided it would be worth it to buy a membership for $100/year. The cost is $5/person so our family cost is $25 now that Wes is one. We paid $100 and now we can go for free for an entire year. Pretty sweet if you ask me.
We got there right at 9 and the Rahaim family arrived a little after. The museum was pretty empty so our kids got free reign for a while. W isn't exactly walking great so he had a difficult time keeping up with R & A. W actually fell at one point and when he sat up, he had a bloody nose. That's the first time we have encountered a bloody nose. B says it surely won't be the last with 2 boys in the house. The kids loved it. Landon had a ball also and I had a good time catching up with Reagyn. Since I was really friends with Whitney, we had moments of silence, but we managed to keep the conversation flowing smoothly most of the time. Reagyn says she stays at home, and in a new city, she's having a hard time making friends. She's joined a mom's group, but says the ladies are very clickish. Here are a few pics from our time at Marbles.
A getting ready to play hockey |
W in the baby area |
R in the kitchen as always |
W watching R & A play hockey |
R playing hockey |
A showing off his strength |
We played at Marbles from 9-12:30 and all got hungry. The original plan was to go eat at McAlister's Deli, but outside the museum was an art festival with food, games, art, and other booths around Moore Square. B saw a gyro booth, and wanted to just eat there. Austin agreed so we walked around until we found a few food booths close together. We all ordered our food and then found some shade under a tree. After eating, the kids played in the grassy area for a while while the adults talked. We all parted ways around 2:15 after a busy busy morning. Our kids napped from 3-6 pm that afternoon. I didn't get any pictures of the Rahaim family on my camera, but I know B and Reagyn did on their phones. Here's our family picture from lunch on Saturday.
The Hantla Clan 5/19/12 |
Monday, May 14, 2012
Our Little Hostess
Our small group meets every Wednesday. We alternate Wednesdays between Bible Study and dinner meetings. We used to meet every other Wednesday for Bible study and dinner in the same night. We found that we spent most of the time socializing because it had been 2 weeks since we'd all been together. There wasn't enough time to get the fellowship and Bible study done, so we switched. This schedule has been working quite well. We alternate hosting the dinner Wednesdays and Bible Study is always at B/J Spence's house.
This past Wednesday was our turn to host dinner. When we got home after picking the kids up from daycare, both boys had fallen asleep. This is a typical occurrence, and R knows that if the boys are asleep, she gets some one on one attention. Today was different, because B & I needed to clean and get things ready for small group. We told R that we couldn't play with her for a while because we had to get ready for small group. She asked if she could get her room ready for the party and we told her sure. She stayed in her room for about 30 minutes and then came to tell us she was ready for her guests. It was very cute how excited she was to host small group. As soon as people arrived, she asked them to go back to her room to see how she had decorated. B took one picture of her table. We should have taken 'before' and 'after' pictures to document what our house looks like after 10 adults and 10 children are inside. Maybe next time.
This past Wednesday was our turn to host dinner. When we got home after picking the kids up from daycare, both boys had fallen asleep. This is a typical occurrence, and R knows that if the boys are asleep, she gets some one on one attention. Today was different, because B & I needed to clean and get things ready for small group. We told R that we couldn't play with her for a while because we had to get ready for small group. She asked if she could get her room ready for the party and we told her sure. She stayed in her room for about 30 minutes and then came to tell us she was ready for her guests. It was very cute how excited she was to host small group. As soon as people arrived, she asked them to go back to her room to see how she had decorated. B took one picture of her table. We should have taken 'before' and 'after' pictures to document what our house looks like after 10 adults and 10 children are inside. Maybe next time.
Mother's Day 2012
This was the first mother's day where the kids (R & A) actually knew what we were honoring. B did a great job of finding time to help the kids make me cards and he picked out a special card for me. Sunday morning we went to Krispy Kreme for breakfast before church and ate about a dozen donuts. 13 donuts to be exact. R & A each had 2, B shared with W, and I probably downed 4 myself. The original glazed are just so yummy. They melt in your mouth yummy and if you're not careful, you can eat 3 before you know it. It was such a nice treat for breakfast. Church was great as usual. B & I are now going to the family and marriage Sunday School lead by Dr. Mike Garret (on DVD) and we are co-leaders with Bill and Janda Hairston & Paul and Jenny Spain. We are enjoying it. After class, we sat with J/K Gillam during worship and as always, Pastor Chuck delivered a wonderful message. We really love our church. After church we headed home for a quick lunch and then naps for the kids. During the kids' naps, I wanted to go layout, but it was cloudy, so B and I took advantage of the situation and watched an episode of Supernatural and took a nap also. We've really gotten into Supernatural and we try to watch a few episodes every week. Most of the time, we watch on the weekends, but those evenings feel like 'little dates'. After naps we met the Gillam's at Champs for our mother's day meal. Champs was running a special for mother's day that if you eat there on Mother's day, they would give you a gift card for $10 off a $25 purchase once a month for the following year. We didn't know about this special last year so we were pumped to find out about it. We enjoy eating at Champs and it's a fun place for the kids as well. We will make plans now, to eat out at Champs at least once a month! The evening ended with 30 minutes of Lady and the Tramp. It's a classic that our kids haven't seen before. We weren't sure if they would be into it, so we just let them watch a little. R enjoyed it more than A, but that didn't surprise us. The barking really confused Cooper though. All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day. I spent time with my family, time with my husband, and time with friends.
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The kids playing after naps. |
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Me with my god-daughters. I love these girls! |
My Cards: From R (flowers), A (McQueen), W (Baby face) |
R was the only one who decorated the back too. |
My card from B |
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wesley's One Year Check-up
I took W to the doctor Tuesday, May 8 at 3:45 in the afternoon after school. B had the other 2 to take R to dance. I usually don't get to go to the appointments because they are usually during the day. I was excited about this one!
We didn't have to wait long before going back. The nurse took all of W's stats first. W weighed 23 lbs 9 oz, was 29 inches tall, and his head circumference was 46.23cm around. The doctor said he was healthy and looked great. W can say 'ma ma', 'da da', 'bye bye', and he can sign more, please, and all done. He's very smart! W can also take 4-5 steps. I tried to get him to walk to the doctor but he was shy. W doesn't really like strangers. When I think about it, he's not really ever around strangers. He's with R & A everyday. That's is safe zone. When we take him to nursery on Sunday mornings, he cries. If people try to hold him that he does not know, he cries. I remember A going through that, but not R. Oh well. W is husky, but healthy. I looked back and R & A's one year and he weighs more than both of them. We already put him in a front facing car seat in cherry and it's much better. All three kids are facing the front and it's very cute.
I praise the Lord for the past year that we've had with Wesley. The blessing that he is to our family is proof and evidence of God's grace and love. B and I are learning daily about godly parenting. We are learning so much from the Lord, especially in the area of patience. Our 3 blessings from a above are a gift from our Father who loves his children.
We didn't have to wait long before going back. The nurse took all of W's stats first. W weighed 23 lbs 9 oz, was 29 inches tall, and his head circumference was 46.23cm around. The doctor said he was healthy and looked great. W can say 'ma ma', 'da da', 'bye bye', and he can sign more, please, and all done. He's very smart! W can also take 4-5 steps. I tried to get him to walk to the doctor but he was shy. W doesn't really like strangers. When I think about it, he's not really ever around strangers. He's with R & A everyday. That's is safe zone. When we take him to nursery on Sunday mornings, he cries. If people try to hold him that he does not know, he cries. I remember A going through that, but not R. Oh well. W is husky, but healthy. I looked back and R & A's one year and he weighs more than both of them. We already put him in a front facing car seat in cherry and it's much better. All three kids are facing the front and it's very cute.
I praise the Lord for the past year that we've had with Wesley. The blessing that he is to our family is proof and evidence of God's grace and love. B and I are learning daily about godly parenting. We are learning so much from the Lord, especially in the area of patience. Our 3 blessings from a above are a gift from our Father who loves his children.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Happy Birthday Wesley!
Happy Birthday Wesley!
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W's new outfit from Gran for his birthday |
W turned one today. We had a great day together as a family. B made
pancakes for breakfast and W got a chocolate chip one! We skyped with
family during breakfast and then headed to church. W got lots of hugs
and kisses for being the birthday boy. After church we had his party at
Holden Park with
pizza and cake. W's guests were the Gillams, Daniels, Leah and Brandon
Boas, Beth and Marrisa Kern, MP, Aiden, and AJ. The kids had a good
time playing on the playground and W even got to crawl around in the
dirt. Our kids went down for naps around 3 pm. I forgot to mention
that we took W's paci away on Friday. He's done great without it.
After naps, we went to Walmart for our weekly groceries that we did not
pick up from Sam's Club, then back home to make our home-made
play-dough. Our movie was Hercules and we had a picnic on the floor in
the living room. All in all it was a great day. Here are a few
pictures from today.
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Cake from Sam's Club |
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Waiting for their turn on the swing |
Wes was so tired, he fell asleep in the swing at his own birthday party!
W's party favors from today |
Ingredients to make home made play-dough |
W on May 6, 2012 around 8:00 pm |
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W born May 6, 2011 at 12:57 am |
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Meet in the Street
Every year in downtown Wake Forest, there is Meet in the Street. Last year we did not attend because we were in the hospital having W. We took our family today and had a great time. There were lots of tents set up with businesses, churches, and services. One of the highlights was the fire department's stand. They had a mobile home set up so kids could go inside, learn some fire safety and then, while inside, the camper filled with smoke and the kids had to apply what they just learned. R & A loved it. They even got cute fire helmets to wear. Other things included bubbles, inflatables, and little games for the kids to play. We bought R and Minnie Mouse head band and I got a new bag to carry my Bible and journal in to church and small group. On our way to get some food, it started to rain, so we went to Sonic instead. It was a fun 2 hours.
Friday, May 4, 2012
"May the 4th be with you"
Cheesy I know, but I heard it on the radio this morning. Normally I don't listen to the radio because it takes 2 minutes for Bryce to bring me to school, but this morning I was alone and had to drive the kids. We left the house at 6:16 and I got to school at 6:48 so just over 30 minutes in the car. I'm very spoiled and I know that. I love living close to where I work!
I've been prepping for Wesley's first birthday party this week, and it's Sunday after church. It looks like it might just be some small group friends and that's fine with us. For favors I decided to make homemade play-dough packets for the kids. Jenni helped me find the recipe and forwarded a blog to me. I did a little searching and found this video on youtube showing how to make it. We halved the ingredients and tried it at home and it was great. We used cherry kool-aid so the play-dough was red and smells really good. It's a little greasy, but just as good as play-dough. I'll take pictures of the packets on Sunday at W's party. I can't believe he's turning 1. He's almost walking-consistently taking 3-4 steps. He has his doctor's appointment next Tuesday so I'll get his weight and other stats then.
B and I just made plans with his parents for their trip out here in June. His mom is coming Monday, June 18th because B is leaving on the 18th for the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans. B's dad is meeting B down there and then they will fly back on Wednesday. P&V will stay with us through the weekend and leave Monday, Just 25th. I'm so thankful that V is coming early to help me while B is out of town for the 18-20th. B is going to the convention to take the place of a class that he would other wise have to take over the summer. We'll be traveling in July for Civitan Camp and that will round our summer traveling.
I've been prepping for Wesley's first birthday party this week, and it's Sunday after church. It looks like it might just be some small group friends and that's fine with us. For favors I decided to make homemade play-dough packets for the kids. Jenni helped me find the recipe and forwarded a blog to me. I did a little searching and found this video on youtube showing how to make it. We halved the ingredients and tried it at home and it was great. We used cherry kool-aid so the play-dough was red and smells really good. It's a little greasy, but just as good as play-dough. I'll take pictures of the packets on Sunday at W's party. I can't believe he's turning 1. He's almost walking-consistently taking 3-4 steps. He has his doctor's appointment next Tuesday so I'll get his weight and other stats then.
B and I just made plans with his parents for their trip out here in June. His mom is coming Monday, June 18th because B is leaving on the 18th for the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans. B's dad is meeting B down there and then they will fly back on Wednesday. P&V will stay with us through the weekend and leave Monday, Just 25th. I'm so thankful that V is coming early to help me while B is out of town for the 18-20th. B is going to the convention to take the place of a class that he would other wise have to take over the summer. We'll be traveling in July for Civitan Camp and that will round our summer traveling.
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