Monday, May 14, 2012

Our Little Hostess

Our small group meets every Wednesday.  We alternate Wednesdays between Bible Study and dinner meetings.  We used to meet every other Wednesday for Bible study and dinner in the same night.  We found that we spent most of the time socializing because it had been 2 weeks since we'd all been together.  There wasn't enough time to get the fellowship and Bible study done, so we switched.  This schedule has been working quite well.  We alternate hosting the dinner Wednesdays and Bible Study is always at B/J Spence's house. 

This past Wednesday was our turn to host dinner.  When we got home after picking the kids up from daycare, both boys had fallen asleep.  This is a typical occurrence, and R knows that if the boys are asleep, she gets some one on one attention.  Today was different, because B & I needed to clean and get things ready for small group.  We told R that we couldn't play with her for a while because we had to get ready for small group.  She asked if she could get her room ready for the party and we told her sure.  She stayed in her room for about 30 minutes and then came to tell us she was ready for her guests.  It was very cute how excited she was to host small group.  As soon as people arrived, she asked them to go back to her room to see how she had decorated.  B took one picture of her table.  We should have taken 'before' and 'after' pictures to document what our house looks like after 10 adults and 10 children are inside.  Maybe next time. 

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