Monday, July 9, 2012

Bryce is Thirty!

Bryce turned 30 this birthday and since it was a milestone, I thought what better way to celebrate than giving him the chance to get the tattoo that he's been wanting for years.  Several years (about 4) ago, B designed his own tattoo with alpha, omega, trinity, star of David, and some other things all together.  It looked really cool and he always said he wanted to get a tattoo but we never got around to it. One evening before W was born, we had babysitters and were going to get it, but Milton was not at his shop and that was the deal breaker for us.  Milton owns Tattoo Supreme and is the husband of the guidance counselor at my school.  We've known their family for a while (almost 7 years) and I taught their oldest son.  I'm pretty sure I'll teacher their daughter and younger son as well.  So anyways, the shop opened up at noon, and we wanted to walk in the door at 12:01.  We wanted to get their first and get in and out, besides, we had all the kids with us.  It was a scene in that tattoo shop.  We were there for about 2 hours total, but that included all the prep work making sure the size was correct and the placement correct.  Here's a picture of the before:
Like I said, we were there from about 12-2, but the actual tattoo getting only took maybe 30 minutes.  B got the design with Greek letters under neath.  The Greek underneath is from Romans 8:37, and it means "more than conquerors" (from the full verse, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."). I love it and want to get a matching one (without the Greek) in November when I turn 30.  I have to figure out where though.  The kids were great and took turns watching. 

Of course when it was over, his skin was red and irritated, but it looks awesome.  I'm helping him take care of it with A&D ointment and keeping it covered until it's fully healed.  His back looks so different now.
The other part of his birthday was a sleep-over at the G's house.  We've done this a few other times and we always have a blast.  The evening consisted of hamburgers and fish for dinner with red-velvet cake for dessert.  The kids watch the Muppet Movie before bedtime.  After the kids went to bed, the adults played video games and watched TV.  I think it was 2:30am when we all went to bed.  It's been a long time since I've stayed awake that late!  Sunday (B's official bday) began with breakfast at McDonald's before church.  I'm not sure who told, but our Sunday school class sang to him!  After church we went back to the G house for naps since all the kids' bed stuff was still over there.  We snacked until it was time to go to CRF for our core meeting at 5:30.  More happy birthdays were spoken to B and a little talk about his tattoo.  B was definitely the center of attention for a while.  Our evening ended with a family picture before bedtime trying to capture the day B turned 30 years young!
B and his kids on his birthday

Self timer family picture

the only one not looking is Cooper!

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