Friday, July 13, 2012

A Long Drive...

We normally drive to MS for camp in July and when I say we, I really mean B.  I typically don't do any of the driving because I don't really like to drive, B does like to drive, and I fall asleep.  I didn't have that luxury this summer though because B had class from the 11-14 and camp starts on the 14th.  I left Wednesday at 12:00 pm and made it to Atlanta just a little before 8:00 pm.  We stayed with Chris and Heather Wednesday night and then we hit the road again from Atlanta to Miss.  That drive was a bit shorter.  We left around 9:00 am and arrived at 3:00 pm.  It rained all day on Thursday which made the drive harder.  When we stopped for lunch, I just went through the drive-through and fed the kids in the car so we didn't have to get wet.  I'm pretty wimpy when it comes to rain.  I'm proud of myself for making the drive with 3 kids and no major problems.  The kids were really good.  We had the occasional scream from W because he dropped his toy, and unfortunately, I couldn't reach to pick it up.  When B drives, he can reach the floor behind him.  R was great to try to please W when he got upset but it's not fair to her  to give up her toy or whatever she has that W wants.  We watched 3 movies on the way down.  A's dinosaur movie that J/N gave him and I tried to get the kids to watch Happy Feet.  They were not interested and at one point, A asked me to turn it off.  On the second day of traveling, they watched Toy Story.  We listened to a lot of kids music that included Go Fish cd's, nursery rhyme cd's, and Jesus music cd's.  Praise God for the safe trip.  I don't want to do that again, but I'm glad to know that I can (with His help) if necessary. 

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