Saturday, December 1, 2012


I don't think I had a lot of hand-me-downs because I was the only girl and I'm sure between my aunt and my grandmother, I probably had lots of nice, new clothes.

My daughter isn't as lucky.  Although she's the first-born, and the only girl, pretty much all her clothes are hand-me-downs from consignment sales.  That's just what we've decided to do for most clothing.  One item though isn't from a consignment sale and it's actually a hand-me-down from me!  This jacket is from Guam from my Grandmalupe and I used to wear it when I was a little girl.  It fits R great and she loves wearing it too.  Very sweet:)

It might be hard to see but my name is stitched on the side and R loves the fact that it used to be my jacket.  Most of her hand-me-downs are from strangers, but it's nice that my mom kept my jacket for my daughter one day!

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