Monday, December 31, 2012

We Wish you a Merry Christmas....

Our small group has been working on a service project once a month since October.  Kristen/Vic set up the first one and then Sara/Andrew.  Our month was December so we decided to Christmas Carol at Turnberry.

B contacted Melanie to set up the date and time.  Thursday at 6pm was decided and all except the Caldwells could make it (they were sick).

I made break-n-bake cookies with some hot chocolate for the evening (but we should have made coffee) and we met our friends at 6:00.  Bryce made a packet of sheet music and words for us to have so we could sing as a group.  About18 of the folks from Turnberry showed up to participate and all of them at cookies.   Hardly anyone had any hot chocolate (again, should have made coffee).  The kids ran around and sang some of the songs they knew and I believe we sang Rudolph twice because all the kids enjoyed that one.  We were there for about an hour, but really enjoyed our time.  We look forward to our next meeting with our friends from Turnberry.

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