Monday, April 29, 2013

Is this your FIRST?

B and I get this question A LOT!  Last week I went out to lunch with Ann and Sharon and the waitress asked me if it was my first.  Of course when I told her that it was my fourth, she could barely believe it.

Saturday B and I were at Walmart picking up a redbox and soda for our date night and the lady checking us out asked if it was our first...yet again when we told her it was our fourth, she couldn't believe it.  Her jaw dropped.

This happens to me (and B when he's with me) a lot and it cracks me up every time.  I should take it as a compliment because I know they think this is my first because we have a young look.  It's funny though:)

Here's a pick of my 37 week belly.
sitting on the sofa doing some school work

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