Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Days of School 2013

I can honestly say this was the first year I was not looking forward to my first day of school.  I wasn't as excited as I normally am about school for 2 reasons: I'm moving to 8th grade, and I'm missing my kids.  I believe it's a combination of both and accepting that Rin is now going to school and Ell is my last baby probably play a big part in it too.  But after a week of workdays, I got my room almost the say I wanted it, and worked on my lesson plans so now I'm ready to start. 

My first day of school was Monday, August 26th.  Since I moved up to 8th grade, I had several of the same students from last year.  It's both good and bad since I already know them and they know me.  I'm also on the same team as Kline and George.  That's a huge plus since I enjoy working with them so much.  I will miss my 2 math teachers from last year S & A.  We met every week about math stuff but they were more than co-workers.  They were my friends.  We shared everything with each other and the past 2 days have been hard not seeing them.  That's the biggest con about moving away from 7th grade.  I'm not the type to be down about things, so I'm making the best of it.  This is a chance for me to branch out and meet new people.  Buck is my team leader so I'm excited about working with him and getting to know him.  Up until now, we've only talked football, so this gives us a chance to get past the surface level knowledge about each other.  I'm sure throughout this year, I will post more about school and my new team and grade level.  Here's a picture of B taking me to school on my first day.
Speaking of first day of school, my mom got into the mix also.  Here's a picture she posted on facebook from a long time ago.  I think I might be in 3rd grade & Bubba in first grade....maybe?
And now for the big one: Rin's first day of Kindergarten!  She's been waiting for this day all summer and she's super excited and ready! The plan is for R to go with B in the mornings and eat breakfast/get dressed at his office.  She will do something quiet for a while and then he will fix her hair and take her to school at 9:00.  Since it was her first day, I left my school to meet them there.  Here are the few pictures we took....I should have been better about this!

Daddy's hair job.  It's awesome!

Little girl named Kelli that had the same backpack as Rin.  Rin grabbed her hand to hold while walking down the hall.  The counselor didn't have the heart to instruct them to let go to walk in a straight line.  So sweet!

Rin's's way too much for me but perfect for K!
I can't believe my first born is now school age.  She starts full time after labor day, but I think the biggest concept that I have to wrap my brain around is that she's growing up.  I'm not in control anymore.  Up until this point, I have controlled her friends, her activities, her surroundings.  I only have control over a few hours in the afternoon and the weekends.  We will spend most of that time doing church activities.  Small group on Tuesdays, Awana on Wednesdays, and church on Sundays.  God's gift of R has been awesome and taught us so much.  Our prayer now is that she will be the light of Christ in her classroom for others to see. 

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