Saturday, January 11, 2014

Disney World with G&G

This Disney trip has been planned since R was born.  When A came along, they decided they would take both kids together.  R was going to miss a week of school, but we weren't that worried about it.  The plans were made and this week at Disney was going to be jammed pack full of activities and character meals.
We drove to Jacksonville, FL Saturday morning October 19 and met Gram & Granddad to a hotel for the night.  We ate dinner at an Italian restaurant around the corner within walking distance.  Sunday morning R & A went with G & G towards Orlando while B and I drove back to NC with W & E.  It's about a 6 hour drive but seemed really different without the bigs.  I can't write about their time exactly but I'll just put pictures up to document their successful Disney trip. 

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