Thursday, February 27, 2014

February Snow Days 2014

Just 2 weeks after the first week of snow days, we had another storm come through and bring 3 more days off from school.  This was right before Valentine's day (Feb 12-14).  Here are a few picture from our snow playing time.  The kids would play, then cry because their hands were cold and wet.  B tried a new technique of putting zip-lock bags around their gloves to just protect them from getting wet.  I think they worked pretty good even though they were funny looking.
The snow started coming down Wednesday around lunch time.  I took the kids to my school that morning so I could sign in.  We stayed for 2 hours before leaving.  I'm glad I went home at noon because the snow started and didn't stop until after it was dark.  We had a blast and love family time.

Finally on Sunday, the weather warmed back up and our family took a walk Sunday afternoon.  It included a walk around the pond.  It was very nice getting outside with some warmth and sun.

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