Monday, August 20, 2012

Rin's 1st sleepover

We have amazing friends here in NC and we've met most of them through our church, Crossroads Fellowship.  Our small group meets every week and the other 4 couples have become very close and special to us.  One of the families has a daughter about 2 weeks older than R. Bella and R play really well together and they are at about the same level.  Both girls love to do puzzles, arts and crafts, ride bikes, and play dress up.  We have spent a lot of time with Bell and her family over the summer.  Kristen, Bella's mom, stays at home with Bella, Julia (almost 2) and is due late November with their third girl, Anna Kate.  We are actually going to the beach this weekend with the O'Janpa family and we are looking forward to a beach day before school starts. 

So we brought R over to Bella's house about 5pm on Friday afternoon.  We dropped R off with her sleeping back, her toothbrush, and her bike.  We were not worried by any means, but just reflecting on the fact that R is growing up fast.  It's weird to imagine this being the beginning of her social life.  I guess next will be birthday parties where the parents don't stay???

I'm not sure of what all they did, but I know they had fun.  When I went to pick R up on Saturday morning, she didn't want to leave.  Kristen was so sweet to send me some pictures of them together.  They are cute girls!

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