Our Small Group has put date night on hold for the summer but we got a date night in June because Michael and Michelle were getting married. Neither of them are from here, but they decided to get married in Chapel Hill. If the wedding had been in New York, we would not have gone. I knew Michelle first working at WFRMS as a special ed teacher. We played powder puff football together and hung out occasionally outside of school. She got another job working with an autistic class in chapel hill, but even though she didn't work at WFRMS anymore, we still saw each other every few months. I met Michael second when we were on the same team together in 2009-2010. It was an awesome team with Ulliman and we had so much fun! Our classrooms were right beside each other and the friendship began. Although I met Michelle first, I'm much closer to Michael because we work right beside each other and have been for 4 years. I love them both and they make a great couple. They had been engaged for about 1.5 years (a long time), but in that time, moved into an apartment together, then bought a house. Not exactly the path we took, but it works for them I guess. They have so much love and sweetness in them and they will have beautiful children one day.
So the Gillam's babysat the older 3 for us. We took Noelle because she's still small and quiet and would have to nurse throughout the night. She was in her stroller most of the night. Since this was a wedding, we had to get dressed up more than a normal date night. I straightened my hair and actually put make up on. I can't remember the last time I work make up, probably before W was born and that was 2 years ago. Isn't that terrible. I started slacking big time on our monthly date nights. I wouldn't change out of my school clothes sometimes. I need to do better about that this school year! Anyways, we got dressed up and dropped the kids off at 4. Here's what they did:
Keith and Jen are wonderful friends and we will return the favor sometime soon I hope.
Here we are off on our date :)
The wedding was at Top of the Hill in Chapel Hill at 5. We got there, found parking and made our way. It was a small group and we knew a few people from WF there. The ceremony was very nice and the wording was beautiful. Michelle looked gorgeous of course and Michael cried when he saw her coming down the isle. The ceremony was short and then we had drinks while they took pictures and the room was transformed for the reception. Dinner was served along with dancing and a lot of fun. B and I hadn't been to a wedding in a while, but we had a great time.
Mr. and Mrs. Kline |
Michelle dancing with parents |
Michael dancing with his mom |