Saturday, June 29, 2013


Stripes And Dots Baby Announcements
Personalized cards for babies, graduation, and Mother's Day.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, June 28, 2013

June Date/ Wedding

Our Small Group has put date night on hold for the summer but we got a date night in June because Michael and Michelle were getting married.  Neither of them are from here, but they decided to get married in Chapel Hill.  If the wedding had been in New York, we would not have gone.  I knew Michelle first working at WFRMS as a special ed teacher.  We played powder puff football together and hung out occasionally outside of school.  She got another job working with an autistic class in chapel hill, but even though she didn't work at WFRMS anymore, we still saw each other every few months.  I met Michael second when we were on the same team together in 2009-2010.  It was an awesome team with Ulliman and we had so much fun!  Our classrooms were right beside each other and the friendship began.  Although I met Michelle first, I'm much closer to Michael because we work right beside each other and have been for 4 years. I love them both and they make a great couple.  They had been engaged for about 1.5 years (a long time), but in that time, moved into an apartment together, then bought a house.  Not exactly the path we took, but it works for them I guess.  They have so much love and sweetness in them and they will have beautiful children one day.

So the Gillam's babysat the older 3 for us.  We took Noelle because she's still small and quiet and would have to nurse throughout the night.  She was in her stroller most of the night.  Since this was a wedding, we had to get dressed up more than a normal date night.  I straightened my hair and actually put make up on.  I can't remember the last time I work make up, probably before W was born and that was 2 years ago.  Isn't that terrible.  I started slacking big time on our monthly date nights.  I wouldn't change out of my school clothes sometimes.  I need to do better about that this school year!  Anyways, we got dressed up and dropped the kids off at 4.  Here's what they did:

 Keith and Jen are wonderful friends and we will return the favor sometime soon I hope. 
Here we are off on our date :)
The wedding was at Top of the Hill in Chapel Hill at 5.  We got there, found parking and made our way.  It was a small group and we knew a few people from WF there.  The ceremony was very nice and the wording was beautiful.  Michelle looked gorgeous of course and Michael cried when he saw her coming down the isle.  The ceremony was short and then we had drinks while they took pictures and the room was transformed for the reception.  Dinner was served along with dancing and a lot of fun.  B and I hadn't been to a wedding in a while, but we had a great time. 
Mr. and Mrs. Kline

Michelle dancing with parents

Michael dancing with his mom

Monday, June 24, 2013


Our pool has been open since the beginning of May and we have yet to go swimming.  I'm not sure I'm ready to take all 4 to the pool alone so I've been waiting for a time when B can go with me.  E will just sit in her stroller, but to watch the other 3 would be stressful for one person.  W won't sit in the floatie like he did last year.  I bought him some arm floaties but I'm not sure he's old enough, or has enough body control to 'swim'.  R & A will be fine in floaties but the shallow end won't entertain them enough and they will want to go jump of the board in the deep end, I just know it.

So yesterday after church, it was sunny and hot so we decided to skip naps and head to the pool.  We ate a quick lunch, I nursed E, then we all go dressed and sunscreen on.  Right when we were headed out the door, it started raining.  And not just a little rain, but a lot of rain!  The kids were bummed about the rain, but we tried to turn it into a fun situation, so B got out the hose.  He stood on the porch and sprayed the kids in the front yard with the hose.  They were out there for a good 30-40 minutes before the thunder came.  It was loud so we quickly got all the kids inside.  After a warm bath, we put them all down for rest time.  It was about 2:45 and all 4 were down.  B and I decided to rest as well. 

Around 4:45, I woke up to the sound of the kids' doors opening.  W came into our room to announce he had pooped.  B got up and changed his diaper and I fetched E for her feeding.  A and R wanted to go swim since the rain had stopped but it was too late at the at point.  We still needed to go to the store and eat dinner.  I looked on my pinterest boards and found the flubber recipe.  I asked B if he'd be willing to do this science experiment while I nursed E.  We had all the ingredients so B and the older 2 started to make flubber.  I wasn't in the kitchen while they made it so I couldn't take pictures, but B said it was easy.  The kids wanted purple so they discovered what 2 colors mixed together make purple.  When it was all done, a big glop of purple flubber was created and the kids (and B) had a great time!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ell is 1 Month

E turned 1 month on Father's Day!  The day was spent honoring Bryce, but I got a picture of E also.
We don't have a doctor visit scheduled until her 2 month check up.  Her belly button finally fell off and I'd estimate that she weighs close to 9 lbs.  We don't have a digital scale anymore, but I want to get another one so I can start weighing with and without her to measure.  She's sleeping about 6-7 hours at night.  I usually feed her at 10 pm and she wakes between 4 and 5 for another feeding.  Right now she's going through the congested phase, so she's sleeping in her bounces next to the humidifier.  The kids love her so much and she's starting to smile daily at her siblings. 

Father's Day 2013

Father's Day is a wonderful day and gives me a reason to make a big deal about Bryce.  I told him just the other day how wonderful he is and he's got to be one of the best dads in our area.  We don't live close to either of our fathers and it sounds bad, but I like it that way right now.  I love it being all about Bryce.  Sure, if our dad's lived close, I'm sure we'd get together with them and share a meal and good times.  But for right now, from sun up to sun down, we get to spoil B and that makes me so happy.  He's so giving of his time for our family and extremely supportive and involved that spoiling him for one day doesn't even seem like enough.  Here's how our Father's Day of 2013 went.

We woke up and the kids gave B the cards they picked out for him.  Each of the kids (the older 3) picked out cards for B.  R's was a cookie monster card with a sticker inside that he got to wear.  A chose a dinosaur card and W picked no other than Spongebob.  W's card included a SpongeBob pin that B wore along with his sticker.  We rushed out the door to make it to the 8:00 service at our church.  Worship at 8:00 and Sunday School at 9:15.  I had to nurse E for most of the service but I got to hear the last 10 minutes.  We had a wonderful Sunday School hour and met a new couple too.  We like there being an 8:00 service but I don't think it's going to last.  After church we met J/K/L/B at Champs for Father's Day lunch.  It was K's choice but we like Champs so we were happy.  Lunch was fun and yummy as usual.  B and K had been out late the night before on their movie date to see Star Trek.  B didn't get home until after midnight, but they had been planning it for a while.  After lunch we headed home for naps and rest before our evening activity.  B even took a nap which he usually doesn't do, so that's who I knew he was REALLY tired.

AJE was taking families to the Durham Bulls baseball game at 5 pm.  We loaded up our van and headed to Durham around 4:30.  We got to the stadium a little after 5, and I just fed E in the van while the older kids watched Lady & the Tramp.  We don't hang out with B's company much so we are trying to get more involved with them.  The previous weekend we had our baby shower for E so I remembered some of the people from the shower. The game was fun, but hot.  I had E in the sling and B took care of W.  R & A were really fine on their own for the most part.  We ate pizza and cotton candy :)  The Bulls won and after the game, the kids go to run the bases.  It was very cute.  We didn't get home until very late so there was no bath & no brushing teeth at the end of this night.  Just big kisses for daddy! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ell's first smile

E is 4 weeks old tonight.  She's trucking along and growing a lot.  I'm not sure how much she weighs but I can feel a difference just while I hold her.  She's eating much faster now and our 50 minute meals have turned into 30 minute meals like Rachael Ray.  She's outgrown her newborn diapers and moved into size 1's.  She's almost too long for her newborn clothes and I'm about to have to pull out her 0-3 month clothing from the attic.  Our family is adjusting and I've just about completed my first week home alone with the 4.  It went okay until Rin got sick.  That's another post for another day....Poor girl!

But the main reason for this entry is to document E's first smile.  I had just finished feeding her and B was trying to get a burp (she's not a good burper).  So I wanted to get a picture since she was four weeks old so we started taking pictures.  As I was talking to her, she broke out in a smile on purpose!  Very cute if I do say so myself:)
June 13, 2013 4 weeks old

cross eyed

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Baby Dedication for Noelle

May 26, 2013 was CRF-WFR Baby Dedication.  Although Noelle was only 10 days old, we decided to have her dedicated.  It was special for several reasons.
all dressed and ready to go!
#1 Dedication is always special.  We are standing in front of our church family presenting Ell and vowing to bring her up in the way of the Lord.  We brought all our kids with us because to B and I, this is a family thing.

#2 We stood next to the O'Janpas.  Almost 5 years ago, we stood next to the O'Janpa's when Rin and Bella were dedicated.  Little did we know then that we'd be such good friends now and in the same small group.  Their family is a huge blessing to ours and to our small group.  I believe we will be life long friends no matter what the future holds.

#3 It was our last weekend in Heritage High School for church.  CRF is in the process of renting to own a permanent building.  Our new building will be ready for June 2, so May 26th is the last Sunday in HHS.  For almost 3 years, we've called this building our church home, and we were a little (tiny) sad leaving it.  We are excited about our new building though.

Teacher of the Year

Every year at each school in Wake County, a teacher is voted ToY for that school.  2 years ago, I was chosen for WFRMS.  It was a great year and I felt very honored.  I made it to the top 24 in the county and was observed and interviewed.  The portfolio was the hardest part for me with all that writing.  B helped me so much and I couldn't have done it without him! 

Well this year, Jenni was selected as ToY for Sanderson HS.  I was so happy for her and it's such a great thing!  Jen is the ESL teacher for SHS but she's also the sponsor for Key Club.  She does so many important things for SHS and obviously very valuable to her staff.  She's very deserving of this honor.  She too made it to the top 24 like I did. 

Sanderson celebrates their ToY more than my school.  Last week they had a ToY luncheon and Jen invited me to be one of her guests.  I was honored that she thought of me for this because it was only Keith, her girls, and her parents.  I loved sitting next to her during lunch and sharing in this moment with her.  Sanderson catered lunch from Miltons and then we headed to the auditorium for her video and skit.  The video was awesome because both teachers and students shared about Jenni and now she has that memory forever. 

My family is growing

E is now almost 4 weeks old and I can't believe how well adjusted the other kids are.  They all really just love her.  I was most worried about W since he was the youngest, but he adores here and we have to limit his kisses because he would kiss her all the time.  Here are some pictures of our family over the past few weeks.

June 2, 2013 Snuggle Partner

June 2, 2013 Silly Picture

My kids on June 4, 2013

Grands with Granddad and Gram

Ell on June 6, 2013 3 weeks old

Big Brother Wesley with Ell 6/6/13

Sweet Sister Rin with Ell 6/7/13

My 4 Kids

I'm trying to get used to being a mother of 4.  And not just a mother of 4, but a mother of 4 very young kids.  We have 4 kids that are 4 and under....basically 4 kids in 4 years.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  We manage and have a great time.

Here's one of many many pictures to come of my 4 kids together:
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