Monday, June 24, 2013


Our pool has been open since the beginning of May and we have yet to go swimming.  I'm not sure I'm ready to take all 4 to the pool alone so I've been waiting for a time when B can go with me.  E will just sit in her stroller, but to watch the other 3 would be stressful for one person.  W won't sit in the floatie like he did last year.  I bought him some arm floaties but I'm not sure he's old enough, or has enough body control to 'swim'.  R & A will be fine in floaties but the shallow end won't entertain them enough and they will want to go jump of the board in the deep end, I just know it.

So yesterday after church, it was sunny and hot so we decided to skip naps and head to the pool.  We ate a quick lunch, I nursed E, then we all go dressed and sunscreen on.  Right when we were headed out the door, it started raining.  And not just a little rain, but a lot of rain!  The kids were bummed about the rain, but we tried to turn it into a fun situation, so B got out the hose.  He stood on the porch and sprayed the kids in the front yard with the hose.  They were out there for a good 30-40 minutes before the thunder came.  It was loud so we quickly got all the kids inside.  After a warm bath, we put them all down for rest time.  It was about 2:45 and all 4 were down.  B and I decided to rest as well. 

Around 4:45, I woke up to the sound of the kids' doors opening.  W came into our room to announce he had pooped.  B got up and changed his diaper and I fetched E for her feeding.  A and R wanted to go swim since the rain had stopped but it was too late at the at point.  We still needed to go to the store and eat dinner.  I looked on my pinterest boards and found the flubber recipe.  I asked B if he'd be willing to do this science experiment while I nursed E.  We had all the ingredients so B and the older 2 started to make flubber.  I wasn't in the kitchen while they made it so I couldn't take pictures, but B said it was easy.  The kids wanted purple so they discovered what 2 colors mixed together make purple.  When it was all done, a big glop of purple flubber was created and the kids (and B) had a great time!

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