Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Baby Dedication for Noelle

May 26, 2013 was CRF-WFR Baby Dedication.  Although Noelle was only 10 days old, we decided to have her dedicated.  It was special for several reasons.
all dressed and ready to go!
#1 Dedication is always special.  We are standing in front of our church family presenting Ell and vowing to bring her up in the way of the Lord.  We brought all our kids with us because to B and I, this is a family thing.

#2 We stood next to the O'Janpas.  Almost 5 years ago, we stood next to the O'Janpa's when Rin and Bella were dedicated.  Little did we know then that we'd be such good friends now and in the same small group.  Their family is a huge blessing to ours and to our small group.  I believe we will be life long friends no matter what the future holds.

#3 It was our last weekend in Heritage High School for church.  CRF is in the process of renting to own a permanent building.  Our new building will be ready for June 2, so May 26th is the last Sunday in HHS.  For almost 3 years, we've called this building our church home, and we were a little (tiny) sad leaving it.  We are excited about our new building though.

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