Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ell is 1 Month

E turned 1 month on Father's Day!  The day was spent honoring Bryce, but I got a picture of E also.
We don't have a doctor visit scheduled until her 2 month check up.  Her belly button finally fell off and I'd estimate that she weighs close to 9 lbs.  We don't have a digital scale anymore, but I want to get another one so I can start weighing with and without her to measure.  She's sleeping about 6-7 hours at night.  I usually feed her at 10 pm and she wakes between 4 and 5 for another feeding.  Right now she's going through the congested phase, so she's sleeping in her bounces next to the humidifier.  The kids love her so much and she's starting to smile daily at her siblings. 

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